
Benefits Of Liquid Fat Detox Diet

One of the fastest way get get healthy and lose weight is to start a liquid fast. What is a Liquid Fast?  A liquid fast occurs when you abstain from solid foods for a period of time, usually one to three days.  You normally replace regular solid foods with  fresh vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas, water and vegetable broths.  Benefits you may experience from a short-term fast include weight loss, detoxification, and improved organ and gland function.

Detoxification Liquid Fast Benefit

Just by living everyday  toxin,  heavy metals, chemicals and metabolic byproducts  can enter our body through ingestion, direct skin contact and the air you breathe. Liquid fasting supports the eliminative organs’ efforts to detoxify by enhancing organ function.  Enhanced organ function improves the processing and elimination of toxins and metabolic wastes. The constant supply of supportive liquids may also cleanse the digestive tract of mucous and accumulated waste.

Weight Loss Liquid Fast Benefit

Another proven  benefit of a liquid fast is the  weight loss. During a liquid fast, you naturally consume fewer calories, which can bring about weight loss. Beyond a reduction in calories, a liquid fast supports proper liver function. An overtaxed liver is less efficient in removing fat from the blood stream, and the consequence is excess fat storage. A liquid fast provides a rest for your liver from its normal load and allows it to process stored fats for elimination more efficiently. Also, you may experience a boost in your metabolism.

Improved Organ Function Liquid Fast Benefit

Fresh vegetable and fruit juices supply an abundance of easily digestible nutrients, including enzymes, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. These nutrients are readily absorbed and may improve organ and gland function, as well as focus your body’s efforts on rebuilding activities rather than on digestion. At the cellular level, these nutrients aid the body in the destruction of aged and dying cells and speeds the building of new, healthy cells.

Types Of Liquid Fasting

Broth Fasting

We can fast on animal or vegetable broths, although it will usually require you make your own broth. Commercially available broths don’t have the nutritional levels appropriate for fasting, being full of salt and usually MSG and a host of other chemicals. On the other hand, a homemade broth can be highly nutritious, full of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes–even an animal-based broth, actually especially an animal bone broth.

Water Fasting
Purists insist water fasting is the only true therapeutic fast, which delivers the maximum self-healing benefits, provides the greatest rest for the digestive organs, and preserves muscle even while losing weight.

While it does deliver the strongest therapeutic effect, allowing for the healing of many chronic conditions, it can be more difficult to perform, and some lean muscle is sacrificed.

Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet
The Master Cleanse is a system of liquid fasting utilizing lemon for cleansing and maple syrup for nutritional support, both mixed in with a glass of water.

There is a large following for this type of fast, many who consistently do a 10-day fast every year. But the Master Cleanse can be utilized for shorter fasts as well, and is considered fairly comfortable to perform.

Two Popular Liquid Fasting Diets

People who follow the Three-Day Cleansing Diet and the Lemonade Diet do so first of all to detoxify. However, many people follow these fasting diets to lose weight. Neither of these fasts are recommended as a healthy long-term approach to weight loss and should not be followed without your doctor’s approval.

Three-Day Cleansing Diet

To follow the three day cleansing diet, it is best to stay at home. You’ll need plenty of rest and you won’t want to be far from the bathroom. Liquids used for this fast include:

  • Olive oil
  • Prune juice
  • Distilled water
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Honey
  • One gallon apple juice (daily)

These fluids are consumed according to a specific schedule and order:


  • Mix apple cider vinegar with one tsp. honey and four ounces of distilled water. Sip this mixture.
  • Once finished, wait for a half hour.
  • Drink one ounce olive oil.
  • Wait one hour.
  • Drink six ounces of prune juice.
  • Wait another half hour.
  • Drink 16 to 24 ounces of apple juice from the gallon allotted for the day.
  • Wait another 30 minutes.

Drink distilled water until satisfied. This should be finished by no later than 11:30 to allow for a half hour between “breakfast” and “lunch .