
What Is Keto Operating System

Keto//OS, or Keto Operating System, is a natural drink product that raises the ketone levels in the bloodstream. This drink mix is made using Pruvit’s proprietary ketone energy technology and it sends macro nutrients to the body, increasing cellular regeneration, energy levels, and endurance.

The Keto//OS blend was created after extensive research was done by the Pruvit team. The drink was then tested and approved by doctors before being put on the market. It has been proven to be the first natural product that can elevate blood ketone levels.

The Benefits Of Keto//OS

  • It is nutrient rich
  • It is energy dense
  • It boosts TCA Cycle efficiency
  • It increases ATP production
  • It does not contain insulinogenic compounds
  • It does not promote lipogenesis
  • It boosts high nitrogen retention protein synthesis
  • It elevates and sustains ketones that provide high energy levels
  • It boosts lipolysis
  • It promotes thermogenesis
  • It protects cognitive functions
  • It increases activity in the brain
  • It reduces triglyceride levels
  • It lowers blood pressure
  • It decreases the amount of candida in the digestive system