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Only People At The Top Make Money In Network Marketing

Frankie Muhammad Tava LifeStyle MLM Company

Frankie Muhammad

Network Marketing Professional


Network Marketing Tips

1. Avoid Companies That Are Not Transparent

Companies that are legitimate shouldn’t be hesitant to tell you exactly what product(s) they sell, what’s required to get started, and how the compensation plan works. Many questionable MLM companies tend to use high-pressure sales tactics or manipulation to get you to sign up. Any company that won’t give you at least 24 hours to think over your decision isn’t worth your involvement.

2. Take Advantage Of Your Company Training

One of the greatest pitfalls of many network marketing companies is their failure to properly train recruits and equip them with the skills necessary to be successful.

Even though you don’t need a degree or a background in business to succeed as an independent contractor in a network marketing company, you’ll need to know how to run your “business” to maximize your profit. How far and how fast you go will usually depend on how much training you’ve had. Unfortunately, most of these companies don’t offer much in the way of training. They psych you up, hand you your materials, and let you loose.

This means you’ll have to pursue the information for yourself once you pick the right company to work with. One of the best ways to do this is by picking the brain of the person who recruited you, or someone else who’s been with the company a number of years and found success. Ask detailed questions about their business practices, take notes, and request any materials or tools they can spare. If the company is legitimate, there should be at least someone who is genuinely interested in your success and is willing to help you.

3. Don’t Treat Your MLM Business Like A Hobby

You can’t just expect the money to start rolling in without putting time and effort into your business. View your company as a real job to which you have to devote a certain number of hours every week. The more work you put in, the more you’ll get out.

If you’re not a go-getter, this can be challenging — because no one is telling you what to do. Network marketing is almost like being self-employed; you’re the boss. This can be a great perk, but it also means you have to exercise control over your one employee — yourself.

4. Set Goals For Your MLM Business

Is your goal to use your network marketing as a side job to supplement another income? You should devote at least a few hours a week. If your goal is to turn your network marketing business into a full-time income, you should set aside 15 or more hours a week. Write a list of your immediate and long-term goals and how you plan to accomplish them.

5. Find out what works for you.

Some people naturally have great salesmanship skills and succeed with seemingly little effort at network marketing businesses. Others struggle to make connections and be a salesman. You may not be a natural salesman, but you can still use what comes naturally to you.