
Why Is Processed Food So Dangerous

Also recognized as salt, sodium is widely used in the food supply, mostly to enhance flavor and prolong shelf-life. Sodium provokes danger, especially if managing high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Unmanaged hypertension can ultimately damage the heart and arteries, and raise the risk of heart attack, congestive heart failure, and stroke.

Sugar is no stranger in the food supply, as it is widely found in a variety of sources. Sweet treats and desserts are not the only culprits of sugar, as it hides in sauces, dressings, breads, and several other products. But when it really comes down to the truth of sugar, the general population is consuming way too much (which is to be expected and reasoned, considering its wide availability). Long story short, the body does not need sugar in abundance. And when consumed in excess, it is ultimately stored as fat, and leads to overweight, obesity, and weight-related diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Trans Fats and Oils
Despite the common misconception of fat, it is a critical macronutrient the body needs for proper functioning. However, the concern comes not only from the amount of fat, but the type of fat. Specifically, trans fat has consistently shown to harm health, including increasing the risk of heart disease. Trans fat is mostly found in convenient, processed products and fried foods, and is also identified as “(partially) hydrogenated oil” and “hydrogenation.”

Types Of Processed Foods

1. Foods that are ready-to-eat and wrapped are more heavily processed – think of your “go-to” snacks such as crackers, chips, and boxed cookies.

2. Frozen and pre-made meals are the most processed form available. Mostly found in the freezer section, products include pizzas and microwavable entrees

3. The most minimally processed foods are products that are pre-prepped for convenient use – including chopped veggies and roasted nuts.

4. Canned products (tuna, beans, tomatoes, etc.) are captured to lock-in nutrients and flavors at their peak.

5. Some canned and jarred products are processed a step further, especially to enhance flavor and preservation, and includes tomato sauce containing added sugar and salt.

6. Foods that are ready-to-eat and wrapped are more heavily processed – think of your “go-to” snacks such as crackers, chips, and boxed cookies.

7. Frozen and pre-made meals are the most processed form available. Mostly found in the freezer section, products include pizzas and microwavable entrees.