
How Important Is Magnesium To Your Body If Your Taking Vitamin D

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how-important-is-magnesium-if-your-taking-vitamin-d/”>Magnesium and Vitamin D is very important. However, I didn’t know that it is important to take Magnesium if your taking vitamin D. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body after calcium, potassium and sodium, Magnesium is an element that activates hundreds of enzymes that are involved in important biological reactions, including the enzymes that play a role in vitamin D metabolism, the review said. Read This Article

The Benefits Of Magnesium

  • Helps Increase Energy. …
  • Calms Nerves and Anxiety. …
  • Treats Insomnia and Helps You Fall Asleep. …
  • Helps with Digestion by Relieving Constipation. …
  • Relieves Muscle Aches and Spasms. …
  • Regulates Levels of Calcium, Potassium and Sodium. …
  • Important for Heart Health. …
  • Prevents Migraine Headaches

Signs Of A Magnesium Deficiency

  • Muscle Twitches and Cramps. Twitches, tremors and muscle cramps are signs of magnesium deficiency. …
  • Mental Disorders. …
  • Osteoporosis. …
  • Fatigue and Muscle Weakness. …
  • High Blood Pressure. …
  • Asthma. …
  • Irregular Heartbeat.

What Causes A Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Having dark skin.
  • Being elderly.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • Not eating much fish or milk.
  • Living far from the equator where there is little sun year-round.
  • Always using sunscreen when going out.
  • Staying indoors.