
What Are The Benefits Of Sage Tea

Sage Tea is a very popular herbal tea. Sage Tea is scientifically called is a plant native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Sage has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. The leaves of this small ever green, perennial plant are used as a popular culinary herb.

How To Make Sage Tea

If you have sage in your herb garden, simply pick some of these leaves and wrap them in a damp towel in your refrigerator until you are ready to use them. You can also purchase dried sage leaves, which should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark, and dry place.

Side Effects Of Sage Tea

Certain types of sage contain different levels of chemicals, including thujone, which can results in liver and kidney damage, as well as seizures, if consumed in excess quantities. Side effects from sage tea are rare,

  • Kidney or Liver Condition – Certain active compounds in sage can negatively impact the liver and kidneys over the long term, and with excessive consumption, so if you have pre-existing liver or kidney weakness, sage tea may do more harm than good
  • Blood Pressure – Due to the hypotensive nature of sage, if you are already taking blood pressure medication, such as warfarin, there is a risk of your blood pressure dropping too low, which can result in lightheadedness and is very dangerous if you are undergoing surgery.
  • Blood Sugar – Sage tea is often prescribed to lower blood sugar levels and regulate symptoms in diabetic patients. This can interact poorly with other medications set to lower blood sugar, resulting in hypoglycemia.
  • Seizures – The chemical thujone can cause seizures when consumed in high quantities, so if you suffer from a seizure-related illness, such as epilepsy, sage tea may not be the best herbal tea choice.
  • Hormone Imbalance – As this tea can affect hormonal balance, and have estrogen-like effects on the body. Certain cancers can be worsened by excess estrogen, so speak with your oncologist before adding this herbal remedy to your diet.

Benefits Of Sage Tea

Treats Inflammation

Chewing on sage leaves is not always the most pleasant remedy, as the flavor can be quite intense, but this is the most effective way to get the organic compounds acting in your system. Creating a tincture or steeping the leaves can also do the trick, but if you suffer from inflammatory issues, particularly in the respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts, you can eliminate that inflammation with this sage brew. The anti-inflammatory qualities of sage extend to health issues such as arthritis and gout, as well as general inflammation of the cardiovascular system, which can result in heart diseases and high blood pressure.

Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidant compounds found in sage, such as rosmarinic acid, luteolin, and apigenin, can work to neutralize free radicals and prevent them from creating oxidative stress in the heart, organ systems, skin, joints, muscles, and even the brain.

Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

As mentioned above, sage does have the ability to stimulate brain function to improve memory and concentration; however, it also works to eliminate cognitive disorders that may arise, including Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Strengthens Immune System

There are some antimicrobial properties that have been identified in sage, and while it is usually consumed in small quantities, you can create a topical application of sage (salve or tincture) and use it to prevent bacterial and viral infections that attack the body through the skin.

Improves Bone Health

One of the most overlooked benefits of sage is actually its superior level of vitamin K, an essential vitamin for the body that isn’t found in many foods. Vitamin K is a crucial element in developing bone density and ensuring the integrity of our bones as we age. If you suffer from early signs of osteoporosis or have lived a rather nutrient-poor, sedentary lifestyle, your bone health is likely low.

Skin Care

A topical salve can be created using sage leaves or a tincture of the plant that has been shown to be effective against certain skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne. These unsightly blemishes can be quickly soothed and their appearance can be reduced gradually if you regularly apply sage extracts and salves to the inflamed or affected areas