
Video: How To Get Health And Make Money With TAVA LifeStyle Products In 2021

Frankie Muhammad Tava LifeStyle Independent Representative

Frankie Muhammad (Team Tea World)
Independent Business Number 35865


1. Retail Profits

When you join as a Tava Lifestyle Associate (distributor), you will get a $10 discount on all the products.

Hence, selling them personally to customers at retail prices will give you a $10 profit.

However, if you refer someone to your replicated Tava Lifestyle website (provided by the company to Associates) and they purchase a product, you will earn a $25 one each sale.


Now, do you know why the products are so expensive?

It’s because part of the profits are used to pay the Associates.

2. Quick Start Bonus

From here onward, your income will directly be influenced by the number of people you recruit into joining the company.

In Quick Start Bonus, you’ll get paid $30 up to $800 depending on the Product Package your recruit purchase.


But to earn this commission, you must first become an Active Associate by a personal purchase of products worth 40V each month.

Each of the 3 products has 20V, so any two products will get your qualified.

That’s about $140 monthly product maintenance on your part.

3. Binary Pay

Tava Lifestyle uses a Binary pay structure, which is my least favorite MLM compensation plan.

In Binary, you will be given two sales legs directly under you, the left and the right. All your recruits and the recruits of your recruits will be placed on either leg.

In a perfect scenario, you will have both the left and right leg filled with recruits and with plenty of sales, but that rarely happens in the real world.


What will likely happen is that you will have one leg with more sales (Builder Team) and the other with lesser sales (Pay Leg).

Unfortunately, the company will only pay you based on the sales of the Pay Leg (the leg with least sales volume).

Now, I’ve seen too many people on companies using a Binary compensation plan that have millions of commissionable points. Yet, they didn’t make a decent income because it is only on one leg.

Because in Binary, it won’t matter if you have a million sales volume on one leg while the other leg only made a thousand, or a hundred.

You will only get paid based on the leg with lesser sales.

To qualify for Binary commissions, you must first have 40V in sales, and you must have at least two recruits, one on each leg, that has 40V as well.

In Tava Lifestyle, you can earn 10-25% of the total sales of your weaker leg, depending on your rank.

There are 12 ranks in the company, and they are based on the product sales volume you make each pay cycle.

And how will you achieve higher ranks? 

Yes, by recruiting as many people as you can to generate more product sales.

4. Binary Check Match Pay

On top of the Binary commissions, Executive Directors and above can also earn a 10-50% check match bonus on all your personal recruits.

Whatever your recruit earns that month, you’re entitled to receive a percentage of that as well, based on your current rank.

5. Profit Sharing Pools

Every week, Tava sets aside 1% of the total product sales. Associates with ranks Triple Diamond and above can earn a share of this pool.