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Video: Should You Use Facebook Ads For Your MLM Business

Advertising Your MLM Business On Facebook

A lot of network marketing companies have a lot of restrictions when it come to advertising you mlm business online. There are restrictions when it comes to using their names and the names of their products in advertising.

Most companies outright restrict it, whereas some grant permission on a case by case basis. There are a few companies that will provide you with approved advertising copy. You should know your company’s advertising policy before you do any kind of marketing especially on Facebook. Also, Facebook really don’t really like Network Marketing. Sometime if you advertise MLM companies or products. They will shut your Facebook Advertising Account down permanently. Therefore, you get to be very careful when advertising you MLM Company or product with Facebook Ads.

Also, if you MLM company don’t allow it. You could lose your distributorship (including all your residual income you’ve created) if your company thinks you’ve violated their policies.

Whether you’ve managed to create a $20k per month residual income or a $500 per month residual income stream – it’s all gone if your mlm takes away your distributorship.

So, whether or not you can advertise your mlm on Facebook becomes a moot point if your company restricts using their name in advertising.