
Why I Left Total Life Changes For TAVA LifeStyle

Frankie Muhammad Tava LifeStyle Independent Representative

Frankie Muhammad (Team Tea World)
Independent Business Number 35865

Shop With Tava LifeStyle: https://teamtavaworld.tavalifestyle.com/shop/

First, let me say that I’m not going to speak negative on Total Life Changes. It is an excellent company. The products were great. Also, I made money with the company. Nevertheless, some things started happening around May 2020 that affected my business with the company so I decided to leave. I simply didn’t like the direction the company was going. Also, I got tired of competing with Distributors selling the products on Ebay and Amazon. People could go on these two websites and by the products cheaper than what I was selling them for. Also, I got tired of Top Earners buying all the products and selling them to distributors just to get a rank. You had distributors ascertaining ranks but didn’t have a true customer base. They would by all the products to try to rank and products would not be available for my customers. I’m the type of Distributor that put a lot of emphasis on Customers first them building a team. With all this going on, I walked away after 5 years. However, the company is not not a scam. It’s a great company. I just felt the need to leave.

When I left the company, I went to TAVA Lifestyle. It is a Black Own Company. The owner of the Company And CEO Mr. Kenny Lloyd was a top earner with Total Life Changes. He created many six figure earners with the company. He built the North American Market for Total Life Changes. I have always known him to be a man of Integrity. Also, I had watched the hard work that Jeff and Janella Simpson put in at Total Life Changes. I saw that they had went to TAVA LifeStyle.

After taking everything into consideration, If feel like I made the right decision when I Join TAVA Lifestyle. I decided to Join Janella Simpson Team and start a Home Based Business with TAVA Lifestyle. It has been a very pleasurable experience. I love the culture at TAVA. It’s like one big family. The owner said the name TAVA means Arc. He wanted to create a company that the average person could come to and make money in a safe environment without all the Chaos.

The customer service is great. The products are awesome. The Shipping is fast. We have excellent training. Also, we get paid 5 Different Ways. It’s easy to make money with the products. Even if a person don’t want to build a Team, the average person can make money selling the products and win. It does not cost a lot to join or maintain a home based business with TAVA LifeStyle and I like that. Furthermore I’m on one of the hottest team at TAVA. If you want to start a home based business in the Health and Wellness Industry, lose weight and help others do the same, you should consider TAVA.

An TAVA Lifestyle Home Based Business  is for people in the health, fitness, nutrition, coaching, integrative medicine, health care, mental health, yoga, natural medicine. It’s for those that want to make some extra money without totally interrupting their life.  It’s for those that want to make a passive income. Some times just making an extra $500 a month can change people lives. You set your own hours.  There is no quota, and you can build your business part time. This company has enable thousands of distributors to make a full time income working part time. The start up business cost is less that $150.

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