Network Marketing, MLM

How To Market Your Network Marketing MLM Business

Tip For Building MLM Business

Don’t Spam Potential Customers

DM’s – Don’t go into people DMs and spam them with your link.

Events and Groups – do not add anyone without their permission.

Manage Your Time Properly

Social media scheduling is what is going to save you a lot of time and keep my news feed free of your spare time posts. You need to spend a little bit of time uploading your posts, setting the time and date they go out and that’s it. You don’t need to sit there every night, live posting about every single product in your range and clogging up my newsfeed. You can spread them out during the day so that you only need to deal with any comments and engagement you get.

This will then free up your time to enjoy the amazing life you keep telling us you are creating for yourself.

Be Consistent With Building Your Business

One of the joys of pre-scheduling all your social media posts is that you can be consistent. If you are live posting then at some point life is going to get in the way. One of the key factors to social media success is consistency. You have to show up and post every single day. But life may not always allow for that. Scheduling will.

Be consistent with your tone and your message. People need to know what you are about, why you use these products. What motivates you to detox and cleanse your system? Be consistent with the message you put out. If it’s not clear then people will struggle to relate to you and then that will dent your know, like and trust factors and people won’t buy from you.

And be persistent whilst being consistent. There will be days when you think you are talking to yourself and that nobody is reading your posts or liking your beautiful photos. But keep on keeping on. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Don’t Treat Your MLM Business Like A Hobby

Your MLM is a business (and should be treated as such for tax reasons too), therefore you need to be a business just like every other.


A great way to show off your products and write better descriptions for them is via a blog post. You don’t have to start creating a fancy website if you aren’t looking to drive traffic to online sales but starting a blog will not only help you demonstrate your products better, it will help with your own personal branding.

A lot of MLM people jump from one company to another. This is actually another annoying thing when they constantly post on Facebook, but anyway. So it’s important that you can carry your customers with you wherever you may go. One of the ways to do is this through building up your own personal brand, ie your own (business-like) social media presence. And a simple way to start is via a blog.

Use Videos To Market Your Business

Video is the absolutely ideal way to show off your products. Make short, clear, good videos demonstrating your products. Show off your products in action but do not just sit there telling me about them, waving them to the camera and telling me about this month’s special offer. If you make me feel that this product is exactly what I need, by showing me its benefits, the cost will be irrelevant.

Establish A Mail List For Your MLM Business

When you use your social media properly you can be building an audience that will stick with you for a long time. Why not encourage them to sign up for your mailing list? Despite us thinking that everything needs to be on social media, most of us also still check our emails just as much. So a nicely presented monthly newsletter from you with product news offers etc won’t go unnoticed. You can use services such as MailChimp to get you started for free and they even have pages you can use to collect email signups from. Drive traffic from your social media pages to your email sign up page and on to your list.

Before you get all excited, though, let me give you a word of warning about newsletters. Do not spam. Do not abuse my email address. Again, do not spam me. Make yourself aware of the rules about email sign up and spam. Never just add people’s email addresses to your list without asking them first. On your sign up pages make it clear what people are signing up to. Once you spam or abuse those email addresses in one way or another, you will either get your account shut down or your own email address will be marked as spam and nobody will get your emails apart from in their junk folders. You can also receive a fine.