
Could The Itching In My Growing Be An Infection Jock Itch

What is Jock Itch. Jock itch, otherwise known as Infection of the Groin, is an infection caused by fungus that is generally caused by coming in contact with a particular animal or human that carries the infection.  The fungus that causes the infection is dermatophytes. The fungus naturally live on your skin and normally don’t cause problems. However, when you remain in sweat-soaked clothes after exercising, the lengthy exposure to moisture can allow the fungi to multiply quickly.

When you have an overgrowth of dermatophytes in your groin area, it causes the infection known as jock itch A fungus finds the area surrounding the groin a great place to multiply, as it is very moist and warm for the majority of the time. This is why this disease is commonly brought on more so in the summer because the weather is very hot and people get sweaty.

What Causes Jock Itch

Unhygienic practices, such as not changing underwear daily and sharing of towels and other intimate apparel, are the primary causes of jock itch. You could also catch jock itch if you come in contact with persons who are suffering from the skin disease or you use and share towels, bed, blankets, shorts and pants with someone who has jock itch. If you feel that your partner is already displaying symptoms of jock itch, it would be wise to change towels and bed sheets immediately so that you will not catch the disease too.

People who love wearing form-fitting clothes are also prone to jock itch. If your clothes make your groin area warm and moist, you may be encouraging the growth of this skin disease. During the summer months, it is advisable that you wear clothes that will enable your groin to breathe and dry.

Jock Itch Symptoms

  • flaking, peeling, or cracking skin in the affected area
  • a rash that gets worse with exercise or activity
  • changes in skin color
  • a rash that does not improve or even worsens or spreads with over-the-counter hydrocortisone (anti-itch) cream
  • redness in the affected area
  • persistent itching in the affected area
  • burning sensation in the affected area

How To Treat Jock Itch

  • Keep the skin clean and dry in the groin area. When cleaning the area, dry with a clean towel. It’s important that you don’t use the same towel on the rest of your body. Use a separate, clean towel instead.
  • Don’t wear clothing that rubs and irritates the area.
  • Shower immediately after athletic activities.
  • Don’t scratch!
  • Wear loose-fitting underwear.
  • Wash athletic supporters frequently.
  • Change your clothes, especially undergarments, daily.
  • Avoid heavily perfumed fabric conditioners and washing powders, as they may cause additional irritation.
  • Treat any other fungal infections you may have, such as athlete’s foot, because they’re similar and can cause the problem to linger, reoccur and spread if not treated.
  • Before trying over-the-counter antifungal or drying powders, which can contain lots of chemicals, try a natural remedy.
  • If it doesn’t get better within a few weeks, you may need to see your doctor to discuss your option

Popular Medication For Jock Itch

  • Family Care Clotrimazole Anti Fungal Cream
  • Family Care Clotrimazole Anti Fungal Cream
  • Monistat Complete Therapy, 3 Ovule Inserts
  • (3 PACK) Clotrimazole Anti Fungal Cream
  • Zeasorb Antifungal Treatment Powder
  • Lotrimin AF Antifungal Powder Spray for Jock Itch

Zeasorb Super Absorbent Antifungal Treatment