
Does Eating At Night Make You Gain Weight

It is best to eat food at least two to three hours before going to sleep or eat light calorie foods that can be digested easily. The conventional wisdom today is that a calorie is a calorie, regardless of when you eat it, and that what causes weight gain is simply eating more calories than you burn. Mindless late-night snacking is what gets people into trouble. Controlled portions of healthier options are your best bet.

Studies have shown that night-time eating does not actually cause weight gain if you stay within your body’s daily caloric needs. Many people eat at night out of boredom or because of emotions such as stress or anxiety, and that’s how innocent night-time snacking can turn into binge-like overeating behaviours. It is like a bank account. One can only pound on calories per day, and it’s totally up to an individual to choose when and how to spend them. That’s why personality and behavioural factors are so important. Hence, if you’re a night eater that’s fine, but remember to eat less earlier in the day.