Frankie Muhammad: Investor And Business Owner

How Often Should You Weight Yourself

While many experts support daily weigh-ins, you can weigh yourself just once a week and still work toward your goal. This method may be helpful after you’ve reached your initial weight loss goal and are transitioning into the maintenance phase. This is the time when you’re at the most risk for regaining weight.

The benefits of weighing yourself regularly can include:

  • being aware of your weight because it is one indication of your overall health (but not the only indication!)
  • recognizing natural fluctuations in your weight
  • aiding in weight loss progress
  • being able to spot weight fluctuations that could signal a serious health issue

Things That Affect Your Weight


Weight fluctuations are completely normal. You may find your weight temporarily goes up or down based on the following factors:

  • menstruation
  • dehydration
  • water weight gain
  • a salty meal or high-salt diet
  • alcohol consumption
  • caffeine consumption (acts as a diuretic)
  • what you ate the night before
  • a high-carb diet
  • weekend binge-eating
  • exercise
  • underlying health condition