
Can You Lose Weight And Eat Fruit

Fruit And Losing Weight
One thing you want to eliminate from your diet if you are trying to lose weight is sugar. We all know fruits taste good and they are sweet. Since fruits have sugar can they prevent you from losing weight?
Yes, fruits can become a problem sometime if you are trying to lose weight. Fruits only become a problem when you are eating too much of them. The thing is you have to have a well balance diet. You can’t just eat fruits all day without putting good quality proteins in the body as well as fats. I probably wouldn’t eat no more than two servings of fruits a day if I’m trying to lose weight. Also, I wouldn’t drink any fruit juice at all. Most fruit juices have too much added sugar
The best fruits to eat if you are trying to lose weight are apples and pears. Also, you can eat strawberries, plums, cherries and grapefruits. I like to eat apples and pears when I’m dieting. However, I stay away from dried fruits because they have to much sugar.
Worst Fruits To Eat High In Sugar
1. Melons
2. Pineapples
3. Mangoes
4. Papayas
5. Avocadoes
6. Coconut
7. Dried Fruits
8. Canned Fruits
9. Frozen Fruits