
Start A Home Based Business With Cabi Fashion MLM Company

Cabi Fashion Direct Sells Company
Cabi is an awesome Network Marketing Company. Cabi, which stands for Carol Anderson by invitation This MLM company is very popular with women. This network marketing company has over 3400 consultants. Cabi is a social selling company. Cabi is one of the largest social selling companies in America. They have awesome clothes. The designer of their clothes is Carol Anderson. She has been designing clothes for 25 years. In 2001, she decided to take her clothing line out of the stores and start selling them through MLM. He company is based in California.
Independent Consultant for Cabi have clothing shows in customers homes. In 2014, Cabi made 250 million dollars. You can see why is a very popular Fashion Direct Selling CAbi stylists, who currently number around 3,400, are given training to show customers how to dress better, fit their clothes, and assemble looks — a level of attention the Los Angeles-based company says is the key to making its approach work. Cabi stylists collectively put on 60,000 “shows” a year to promote their wares, working with hostesses who provide both their homes and access to their friends (i.e., new potential customers), in exchange for a discount. The stylists themselves can make as much as 33% in commissions.
How Much Does It Cost To Be A Consultant For Cabi
Consultants have to invest $2500.00 upfront to become an Independent Business Owner with Cabi.
• Make 25% to 33% commission on personal sales at home shows you host.
• Make team commissions down to 4 levels: level 1 (3%) level 2 (5%) level 3 (3%) level 4 (2%)
• Make team builder bonus commissions if you and your level 1 sell at least $24,000 in a month
• Inventory sales: you will earn $3,000 even if you sell most (70%) of your inventory investment at 50% off. Of course you’ll make more if you sell it at full price.
To qualify for your 25% commission rate, you must sell at least $2,500 per month. After your second month the ante is raised and you must make $3,500 per month. If you don’t make that quota, your commission rate is 20%.
The initial investment is $2,570 for your seasonal inventory, which is clothing to sell. Each season, there’s a product launch event including a fashion show. Cabi stylists, which is what the independent business owners are called, pay for travel and hotel and Cabi provides an investment in training each season. If you’ve ever worked in retail then you know how important seasonal launch motivation events like this can be.
Here are some more details of the Cabi compensation plan:
• hostesses and stylists get discounts on clothing for themselves
• stylists get discounted inventory at far below retail prices- sell for whatever they can
• home office support
• free training at the seasonal launch event mentioned above
• weekly training communications
• marketing tools are free: starter kit includes garment dividers, a Cabi curtain, rack, invitations, and order forms
• Cabi will host a website for you with your picture on it
• there are growth incentives and leadership development opportunities- from hostess to stylist to leaders
• lots of awards, bonuses, and recognition: first season bonus $100 to $600 and the sales achievement program for reaching higher levels
• webinars for training
Best Regards,
Frankie Muhammad