
Why MIlk Is So Toxic To The Body

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I know we all have been taught to drink milk. We have been taught to drink milk because it is the best source for proteins and calcium.  However, studies are showing that milk may not be the best source for protein and calcium. Also, it may just down right be toxic to the body.

Studies have shown that drinking milk can have a negative effect on your body. Some studies even show that milk promotes poor gut health. There have been studies showing that milk is also linked to a lot of diseases such as cancer. A lot of consumers have allergies when it comes to milk. My self and many others begin to over produce mucous when drinking milk or eating dairy products.  When I drink milk, I get a build up of mucous or phelgm. When I drink milk, I have problems with my sinus.  Once I get off the milk or diary, I feel much better like many other people.

A lot of people are lactose intolerance. They can’t  digest milk properly. When a person has a lactose intolerance,  milks cause them to have pain in their stomach area. As a matter of fact 75% of people in the world has a problem with digesting milk. The biggest problem with milk outside of the sterriods, growth hormones and other toxic ingredients is the pasteurization process that milks goes through when it is made. When these companies make milk, the enzymes, antioxidants and healthy ingredients are destroyed during the pasteurization process. This is what makes it difficult to digest the milk.

Harmful Ingredients In Milk

  1. Invisible GMO ingredients
  2. Hydrogenated Oil
  3. Artificial colors
  4. Magnesium Stearate
  5. Titanium oxide
  6. Carrageenan
  7. Heavy metals like lead, fluoride and arseni
  8. Acrylamides
  9. Sodium benzoate and BHT
  10. Cupric sulfate and boric acid

Diseases That  May Because By Milk According To Studies


2. Diabetes mellitus (type 1)

3. Multiple sclerosis

4.Parkinson’s disease

5. Heart disease

6. Acne

Healthy Alternatives To Milk

  1. Soy Milk
  2. Almond Milk
  3. Cashew Milk
  4. Coconut Milk
  5. Hemp Milk
  6. Rice MilkCow milk is simply not healthy for humans to consume. No other animal on this planet consumes milk beyond infancy or another animals milk. Despite this humans are the only animal that suffer from such high rates of chronic illness. Today it’s just not safe to drink milk. It has too many harmful ingredients. Along with the added sugars and chemicals, milk is just to toxic to drink.

Best Regards.

Frankie Muhammad