
Best Way To Treat The Flu Virus

Treating The Flu Virus

The flu is an illness that takes place in the respiratory system. It is causes by a virus called influenza A or B. This virus is an extremely contagious respiratory illness. The flu virus can cause serious complications. It is not like the common cold virus which is not that serious. Both viruses have some of the same symptoms. However, the flu virus is more severe.

The flu virus penetrates the respiratory tract and infects the cells. The respiratory tissues swell and experience inflammation. The virus travels through the bloodstream. Once the virus travels through the blood stream, the body’s immune system starts to fight the virus. The flu spreads from one person to another by coughs and sneezes. Most people have problems with the flu virus in the winter and early spring. It’s important to understand that the flu can lead to a life threatening illness such as pneumonia.

If you touch and shake hands with a person you can get the flu. You will have the flu for at least one day before you actually feel the symptoms and up to 7 days after you become ill. 5 to 20 percent of Americans get the flue every year. 36,000 people die annually from the flu in America and 200,000 are hospitalized.

Symptoms of the Flu Virus
1. Sneezing
2. Fever
3. Body Aches
4. Coughing
5. Fatigue
6. Congestion
7. Running Nose
8. Weak Immune System
9. Dehydration
10. Sinus Issues
11. Ear Infection
12. Breathing Problems
13. Sore Throat
14. Headaches
15. Feeling Weak
16. Itchy And Watery Eyes

What Is The Treatment For The Flu Virus

First, it needs to be clear that antibiotics will not cure the flu or a cold. Antibiotics are only useful if you have a bacterial infection. If you have a bacterial infection that is a result of the flu then the antibiotics can be used to treat that. You can take antihistamine running nose, sneezing and itching. You can take a decongestant to reduce swelling in the nasal passage ways.

You can use saline spray to help loosen the mucus. You should drink plenty of water. Get good rest. You can take acetaminophen, Tylenol, Advil, Motrins or ibuprofen for the fever. You can take hot shower. You should drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. You should wash your hands often. Also, you need to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. “You can always get a flu shot before flu season begins”

Also, cough drops and cough syrup are good to have. I would just drink water. However, you can drink fruit juices and fluids like Gatorade or Pedialyte for electrolytes. You should not drink liquids that have caffeine. You can eat light foods such as applesause, crackers and soup. Stay warm.
When To Contact The Doctor
1. Not able to drink enough fluids. Dark urine or feeling dizzy when standing are signs of not enough fluids.
2. Fever of 100°F or higher for 3 or more days
3. Feels better, then gets a fever or sore throat again
4. Shortness of breath or wheezing
5. Coughs up blood
6. Pain or pressure in chest when breathing
7. Chest pain, especially if have heart disease like angina or congestive heart failure
8. Trouble with balance, walking or sitting up, or becoming confused
Best Regards,
Frankie Muhammad