Home Based BusinessNetwork Marketing, MLM

Start A Home Based Business With It Works! MLM Company

It Works! MLM Start Home Based Business

It Works! is a worldwide network marketing company in the health and wellness industry. They provide beauty products, weight loss supplements, nutritional supplements along with other health products. This company made 450 million dollars in 2013.

This company was created in 2001. The founders are Cindy and Mark Pentecost. Also, Pam Sowder is a founder. This business headquarters is in Florida. They have 60,000 Independent Business Owners. They are one of the fastest growing MLM companies in the Health and Wellness Industry. Also, the company is debt free.

The company has products to help people stay healthy and lose weight. Also, their products give you energy. Their most popular product is the Skinny Wrap. They have protein shakes, vitamins, organic diet pills and nutritional supplements for your joints.

How To Make Money With It Works

Distributors make 50% on the products that they sell. Distributors can also earn discounted products for their own use. This discount, called a wrap reward, allows distributors to earn a product with a $60 dollar wholesale cost for just $25 dollars. A wrap reward is earned for every two loyal customers a distributor signs with the company.

Also, Distributors also earn between 2 and 10 percent on the sales made by their downline members. Distributors ultimately have a significant amount of control over how they structure their teams because they can move both distributors and sales volume to any of their downline team members in order to support those they recruit financially and build a stronger organization. This flexibility is one of the key concepts in the It Works! multi-level marketing structure, which requires leaders to build in an extremely rigid matrix in order to promote.

It Works! provide distributors with a website and a back office. Your back office has training and promotional information and material. Also, you can get training through your back office.

Popular Products With It Works! MLM Company

  • Repairage: This product utilizes the unique mixture of herbal and botanical ingredients for boosting the texture and tone of your skin with soften looks and absence of wrinkles. This cream can retain your youthful appearance and make your skin fresh and smooth. Just apply gently to your rough skinny patches and face to notice the difference within few days.
  • Confianza: This nutritional product is quite useful in increasing the level of your energy and also helps to reduce fatigue and stress. It comprises of special blend of herbal extracts to enable you to cope environmental, emotional and physical stresses. Its main ingredient is adaptogens which are useful in adjusting the adrenal glands of the body for combating different types of stresses. Just take some of these pills and see how you can resist and combat all types of stress.
  • Greens Chew: It is a sweet blend of vegetable and fruit extracts. This product is useful in maintaining the optimum level of blood pressure with the perfect boos of the pre-biotic fiber. It supports your overall health system and makes you fit and active in the workplace. This product is also good for your heart as well. You can consume this product before getting down to work or with your dinner meals.
  • Defining Gel: This clinically approved skincare product deeply hydrates in the body portions like upper arms, legs and abdomens. On using daily this gel reduces the chance of varicose veins and cellulite. Apply this gel in your targeted areas twice a day and you shall soon notice the difference within few weeks.

It Works! Compensation Plan

Fast Start Bonus: When any of your newly enrolled distributor forwards orders of their preferred customers within the first thirty days of their enrollment, then you have the scope of receiving $99 as their enrolling up-line which is mainly paid in the next date of payment.

500 Dollar Guarantee: Every distributor who finishes the three successful steps within the first sixty days is rewarded with a decent commission amount of $500. If the overall earnings are lesser than $500 then the company shall provide the bonus on the basis of the difference between the overall commissions and the bonus guarantee.

Car Bonus: Distributors who are enrolling sixty preferred customers along with generating sales volume above $3000 are eligible for this bonus. This bonus is mainly paid in the shape of $600 every month with the consistent maintaining of the $3000 sales volume.

Diamond Bonus: These bonuses, formerly known as the CAB bonuses, are mainly paid to the distributors on the basis of their leadership levels after achieving the level of diamond. Those working at the Diamond have the chance of earning $80 for enrolling new distributors. People working at the level of Double Diamond have the scope of earning $40 on the basis of every new enrollment. Similarly, Ambassador Diamonds mainly earn $5, Presidential Diamond earns $10 and Triple Diamond earns $15 on the basis of recruiting new distributors.

One Time Bonuses: The firm also has the reputation of providing one time bonuses to its distributors. The firm mainly pays between $500 to 2000 to its every distributor for completing their success steps within first sixty days or for achieving new level of promotion within its own stipulated time period.

Wrap Rewards: On enrolling two preferred customers in each week you have the scope of receiving wrap reward from the company. Such rewards mainly include the box of the body applicator within the promotional cost of $ 25 for each box as well as the box of the facial wraps within the promotional cost of $20 each box.

Distributor Rebate Credit: On enrolling four new preferred customers within first thirty days as a distributor you have the chance of earning the product credit of $120 in the shape of a bonus volume. With the help of this bonus volume you can easily purchase the products of the company at a discount price.

If you have always wanted to start a home based business in the health and wellness industry with a low overhead, you should consider It Works!

Best Regards,

Frankie Muhammad