
What Is Agave Nector

What Is Agave Nectar? Agave is a sweetener. It is a syrup. It is produced from numerous species of agave. It is produces from blue agave and agave salmiana. Most of this sweetener is produced in Mexico. The sweetener tastes some what like honey. The sweetener has received a lot of criticism. Agave is considered to have more high fructose than corn syrup which is really not good.

The Agave sweetener sold today is made by treating the sugars with heat and enzymes, which destroys all the beneficial health effects of the Agave plant. The end product is a highly refined, unhealthy syrup.  Also, studies are showing that agave has a higher fructose content than any other sweetener, more even than high fructose corn syrup. People are questioning the claims of this sweetener being good for your health. If you are trying to lose weight and stay healthy, you probably want to avoid Agave Nectar.