
Get A Week Supply Iaso Herbal Detox Tea In Memphis $13.99 Fast Free Shipping Lose

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Hello, My name is Frankie, I am a Independent Business Owner and Tea Distributor for Total Life Changes in Memphis. Our Flag Ship Product is the Iaso Herbal Detox Weight Loss Tea. I have helped a lot of people detox, burn fat, lose weight and improve their Health with our Iaso Detox Herbal Weight Loss Tea.

Iaso Tea is a detox weight loss tea. This tea will purify the body. It will detox the body of parasites, pesticide and toxin. These toxic things get into the body through the air and food. The Iaso Tea also cleans the blood, the organ and the respiratory system. The tea is able to do this because of the herbs it contains. The iaso tea has 9 powerful organic herbs. Most people lose 5 pounds the first week they start detoxing because they have so much waste in there body. Most people have never detoxed.

Iaso Tea Ingredients:
1. myrrh,
2. chamomile,
3. ginger,
4. persimmon,
5. holy thistle,
6. marsh mallow leaves,
7. blessed thistle
8. malva leaves

How Does Iaso Tea Work
You simply drink two eight ounce cups a day to get the full benefits and detox the body. Most People lose 5 pounds the first week. This is one of the best products to have if you are trying to maintain a healthy body, colon and immune system.
Additional Potential Benefits. Can Potential Help Those That Suffer From
1. Constipation
2. Heartburn
3. Obesity
4. Hay Fever
5. Eczeme
6. Yeast Infection
7. Piles
8. Hemorriods
1. Intestinal Disorders
2. Fibroymyalgia
3. Skin Problems
4. Psoriasis
5. Acne
6. Dermatitis
7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
If you are serious about losing weight and detoxing, the best thing to do is buy 5 packs of Iaso Detox Weight Loss Tea. This will last you an entire month. Each pack with make a gallon.

How To Make Iaso Herbal Detox Tea

Bring 32 oz or 4 cups of water to a boil. Turn the stove off.  Place the 2 tea bags  in the pot of water and let sit 8 hours or overnight. Step 2 After the IASO tea has steeped for 8 hours, get a one gallon container “Glass if you can find one” and pour in the steeped tea in, and add the remainder of water to make 1 gallon of tea. Let the tea get really cold. Then drink 2 eight oz cups a day for lunch and dinner. Don’t ever use a microwave to heat the water.How Much Tea To Drink Drink 20 oz of the diluted tea a day! You can drink more if you wish to.8 oz with Breakfast or Lunch 4 oz with a snack8 oz with Dinner You don’t have to follow this schedule. Drink as needed.

If your pregnant, ill, consume a lot of alcohol and smoke, it may not be in your best interest to use Iaso Tea because your body is not in its natural state. You may experience some side effects such as diarrhea and gas. If you are taking medication or birth control pills, you should consult a doctor before you detox with Iaso Tea.

Disclaimer: This Supplement Has Not Been Evaluated By The Food And Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent diseases.

Iaso Tea Weight Loss Results

Total Life Change Iaso Tea Weight Loss Picture

Total Life Change Iaso Tea Weight Loss Picture

Total Life Change Iaso Tea Weight Loss Picture

Total Life Change Iaso Tea Weight Loss Picture

Total Life Change Iaso Tea Weight Loss Picture

Total Life Change Iaso Tea Weight Loss Picture