
Use Matcha Tea To Burn Fat

Burn Fat With Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea is the tea that everyone talks about. It is extremely popular. Matcha Tea is a powdered tea. The tea is finely milled. It is a particular type of green tea. Matcha tea is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumer. The tea is process green tea leafs. Once the tea leafs is turned into powder. The powder is sifted and whisked with hot water. You can fine the best Matcha tea in Japan.  Also, the whole leaf is nutritional. It is problem has more health ingredients than any other green tea. Also, it has a good rich taste. Matcha tea is a very powerful health tea. It is loaded with powerful antioxidants. Just one serving of Matcha Tea is the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of regularly brewed tea.

Health Benefits Of Matcha Tea

  • Is packed with antioxidants including the powerful EGCg
  • Boosts metabolism and burns calories
  • Detoxifies effectively and naturally
  • Calms the mind and relaxes the body
  • Is rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamins
  • Enhances mood and aids in concentration
  • Provides vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium
  • Prevents disease
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

Healing Benefits Of Matcha Tea

In addition to providing trace minerals and vitamins (A, B-complex, C, E, and K), matcha tea is rich in catechin polyphenols – compounds with high antioxidant activity. These compounds offer protection against many kinds of cancer, help prevent cardiovascular disease and slow the aging process. They also reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood, stabilize blood sugar levels, help reduce high blood pressure and enhance the resistance of the body to many toxins. The most important polyphenol in matcha is EGCG (epigallo-catechin gallate), which is the subject of many medical studies..

How Does Matcha Tea Help Fight Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the catechins in matcha green tea (EGCG, EGC, ECG, and EC) are so powerful that it is believed that they may actually help prevent cancer. (1) While it might seem outrageous that regularly drinking something as common as green tea can put you at a lesser risk, it’s not that far-fetched. The NCI provides the following explanation:

  1. The chemicals in green tea, especially EGCG and ECG, have substantial free radical scavenging capability. They have also been proven clinically to protect cells from DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species.
  2. Tea polyphenols have been shown to inhibit tumor cell development and induce apoptosis (cancer cell destruction) in laboratory and animal studies.
  3. The catechins in green tea activate detoxification enzymes, such as glutathione S-transferase and quinone reductase. These enzymes are praised for preventing tumor growth.
  4. Lastly, research has revealed two additional findings. The catechins in green tea not only protect against damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) B radiation, but also they can improve immune system function.

How Does Matcha Tea Help With Weight Loss And Burning Fat

When it comes to boosting your metabolism and helping with weight loss, science shows that few things are more beneficial than matcha green tea. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the effects of drinking one bottle of oolong tea containing 690 milligrams of catechins versus drinking one bottle containing 22 milligrams of catechins. In the study, 35 healthy Japanese men with similar BMI and waist circumference distributions were divided into two groups. (

The researchers gave one group the 690 milligrams of tea and the other group the 22 milligrams of tea. After 12 weeks, they observed that body fat mass, BMI, body weight, subcutaneous fat area and waist circumference were all “significantly lower” in the 690 milligram catechin group than in the 22 milligram group. Even more astounding were the modifications in LDL levels due to the dramatic decreases in body fat mass and total fat area.

From these results, researchers confidently concluded that because drinking tea containing 690 milligrams of catechins for 12 weeks reduced body fat, consuming catechins could aid in the prevention and improvement of many diseases — especially obesity.

How To Make Matcha Tea Using A Bamboo Whisk And Tea Bowl

  1. Sift 1-2 tsp matcha into a cup using a small sifter.
  2. Add 2oz hot water. For best results use water just under a boil.
  3. Whisk vigorously in a zig zag motion until the tea is frothy.
  4. Enjoy your matcha tea straight from the bowl.