
How To Use The Zone Diet To Fight Inflammation

The Zone Diet Best Anti Inflammatory Diet

The Zone Diet is a low carbohydrate diet. This weight loss diet is over 30 years old. It was developed by Dr. Barry Sears. Dr. Sears suggested that an ideal balanced diet is 30 percent fat, 30 percent protein and 40 percent carbs. When you use the Zone Diet Program, you eat lean meats, good fats along with low-glycemic  carbohydrates. The diet encourages you to eat plenty of fruits, and vegetables. You need to eat at lease 5 to 10 servings a day.

This diet is considered one of the best diets for fighting inflammation. Also, it helps you lose weight along with fighting chronic diseases. The Zone Diet helps people become more energetic and live a healthier life. It enhances your physical and mental performance. It helps you live longer and improve your quality of life. This is one of the best diets in the weight loss industry.

You are considered to be in the Zone according to this diet when you eat in a way that reduces inflammation in the body. The last thing you want is inflammation in the body. Inflammation causes a lot of pain in the body. Also, it leads to weight gain and you being sick. Also, inflammation makes you age faster.

With this anti-inflammatory diet, you can lose 1 to 1.5 pounds in one week. Most of the weight loss will be fat. You will feel better. It will boost your self esteem. Also, your clothes will start to fit you better. On the Zone Diet, you get 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. Each is a mix of low-fat protein, like skinless chicken, turkey, or fish; carbs (mostly fruits and veggies); and a small amount of “good” fat, like olive oil, almonds, and avocado. Also, men should eat no more than 1,500 calories, and women should eat no more than 1,200 calories a day.  Also, you should not eat a lot of pasta, grains and bread.

The Zone Diet requires that you simply balance your plate at every meal and snack with these nutrients:

  • Protein – 1/3rd of your plate, add some lean protein, about the size and thickness of your palm. This could include egg whites, fish, poultry, lean beef or low-fat dairy.
  • Carbohydrates – 2/3rds of your plate, add a lot colorful vegetables and a little fruit. Fruits and vegetables to avoid are those that are high in sugar (e.g., bananas, carrots, grapes, raisins) or starchy (e.g., potatoes, corn).
  • Fat – Add a little bit of monounsaturated fat. This could include olive oil, avocado, or almond

What Are The Benefits Of The Zone Diet

  1. Slow Downs The Aging Process
  2. Improves The Brain And Helps You Think Faster
  3. Boost Energy And Physical Performance
  4. Keep You Healthy
  5. Helps You Lose Body Fat Quickly
  6. Helps Fight Inflammation

If you suffer with inflammation problems and you want to develop a long term diet that will help you lose weight and get healthy, you should seriously try The Zone Diet.