
How To Treat Allergies Naturally Drug Free


Drug Free Sinus Treatments

Spring is that time of year that can be very bad for some people because of the pollen in the air. This causes a lot of people to have problems with their sinus. A lot of people have to treat their allergies by going to the doctor to get immunotherapy shots.  Some people use steroid nasal sprays as well as over-the-counter antihistamines. However, there are natural or drug-free methods that can be used to treat allergies.

Drug Free Methods Used To Treat Allergies

  1. Take A Shower: When we go outdoor, we collect pollen in our clothes and hair. If we shower when we come in the house as well as before we go to bed, this will prevent the pollen from getting in our nose and eyes.
  2. Deep Pepper Breathing Treatment:  Steam or hot water is great for opening the sinus. When you add peppermint oil to the steam, it can be very affected.  All it takes is a couple of drops. Steam your face with a towel over your head. Also, you can put a couple of drops of peppermint in a humidifier or diffuser and this will assist with unclogging  a stuffy nose.
  3.  Watch for Things That Trigger Allergies: You may need to stay away from plants or grass. Wear a mask, gloves and eye protection if you need to cut the grass or do lawn work. As soon as you finish your yard work, you should take a shower.
  4.  Apple Cider Vinegar: Add a teaspoon to a small glass of water. Do this  once or twice a day.  This is good for getting inflammation out of your sinus cavities. However, don’t do this to often. There may be side effects involved.
  5. Pet Care: Brush your pets outside to keep the dander and dust from getting in your home. If you pets baths as frequent as possible.
  6. Pollen Proof The House: Keep your doors and windows closed. This will keep air pollution and pollen from getting in the house. Also, wash linen and pillow cases often.
  7. Put Humidifiers in the rooms. Take a hot shower and the steam will clear the sinus.
  8. Saline Spray: Saline is a natural spray that you can use to help with upper respiratory problems. You simply spray saline in the nose.  You can use it has much as you like. It’s simply salt and water.  It removes duster, dander, smoke and pollen from the sinus.  You can rinse the nose out with a neti pot or nasal tube.

Consume Be Pollen: You can purchase Bee Pollen from whole food stores. You should refrigerate after use.  You want to mix 0.5-1 tsp in a glass of water.  Try to get your Bee Pollen locally