
How To Treat Bad Breath Halitosis

 Bad Breath Halitosis

Treat Bad Breath
Bad Breath or Halitosis can be the result of several different things. One of the most common reason for bad breath is foods that we eat. Normally, foods that are spicy or foods that have sulfur compounds leads to bad breath. Two popular foods that cause bad breath is onions and garlic. When you eat garlic or onions, your breath can continue to smell bad until the foods are properly digested. Even if you brush your teeth and floss, it still probably want help. Also, cigarettes for tobacco products also cause bad breath.
If you continue to have bad breath, you could possibly have a medical problem known as Halitosis. If you don’t brush your teeth or have good oral hygiene, you can suffer from halitosis. It is important to clean or brush your teeth after you eat. When you don’t clean your teeth after eating, bacteria build up in the mouth. The bacteria can cause tooth decay, bad breath and gun disease. Also, if you consistently suffer from constipation or you have digestive issues, you may have bad breath. When you are consistently constipated, toxins and poisons build up in the body and cause bad breath.
Also, using to many antibiotics, excess mucus and sinus problems can cause bad breath. If you have a dental disorder, liver problem or kidney problem, you can suffer from bad breath. If you consistently have unpleasant breath, you may be suffering from Halitosis.
Some Cause For Bad Breath (Halitosis): Liver problems, kidney disease, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, sinus problems, gum disease, smoking, constipation, bad diet, spicy foods, poor dental hygiene, gum disease.
Treating Halitosis
1. Eat Healthy Fiber, Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Beans
2. Drink 6 to 8 Glasses Of Water A Day
3. Brush And Floss Teeth
4. Vitamin A, C (Good For Dental Health)
5. Avoid Beef, Process And Fried Foods (Leads To Constipation)
6. Avoid Diary, Sugar, White Flour Foods, Bananas And Chocolate (Mucus Producing Foods)
7. Use Mouth Wash: Use a mouthrinse after every meal this helps reduce plaque and gingivitis and freshens breath. Mouthrinse alone is not an effective remedy but should be used in addition to regular brushing and flossing.
8. Clean The Tongue: Cleaning your tongue can effectively decrease halitosis-causing compounds. These compounds form on your tongue and in your mouth when bacteria and amino acids combine, emitting an unpleasant sulfur-like smell. So cleaning your tongue regularly is important in fighting halitosis.
Supplements: Xylitol (Gums, Toothpaste And Mint), Chlorophyll, Milk Thristle, Enzymes, Probiotics, Parsley