
How To Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

treating carpal tunnel

Treating carpal tunnel syndrome

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?  Carpal Tunnel is a very small opening just below the base of the wrist.  It is located between the arm and the hand. The Carpal Tunnel enables the median nerve to pass from the bones and the muscles of the forearm to the thumb, palm and fingers. The carpal tunnel opening is very small and it does not respond well to excessive pressure. This area swells when there is a lot of pressure. If you use this area too much is will experience inflammation. Some people even experience pain and numbness in this area from arthritis.

When people get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), they will begin to feel tingling in the area. However, the condition can get worst. The pain can become excruciating. If the condition gets bad, you will have to get medical treatment and sometimes surgery is required.

People That Experience Carpal Tunnel Syndrome The Most ( Because Of Repetitive Movement Of The Hand)

  1. Musicians
  2. Grocery clerks
  3. Factor workers
  4. Writer
  5. Typist
  6. Knitters
  7. People that use computers a lot ( more and more people that use computer are developing (CTS)

How To Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  1. Computer Users Should Use A Wrist Rest
  2. Take A Break From Using The Computer Every 30 Minutes To An Hour

Symptoms Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  1. Pain that is worst at night and/or in the morning
  2. Pain that radiates to the forearm or the shoulder
  3. Weakness of the first three fingers and thumb
  4. Difficult to make a fist
  5. Tingling, numbness or pain in the thumb and first 3 fingers

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  1. Pregnancy or other hormonal changes that causes fluid retention
  2. Wrist has bone spurs
  3. Continuous use of hands and fingers
  4. Consistent vibration of the hands and fingers: such as using a weed eater or jackhammer for and extended period of time.

Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

First to see if you have carpal tunnel syndrome a doctor will perform a electromyograph. If  the test comes pack positive for CTS, you may have to receive therapy to relieve the pain. Hopefully, the therapy can remove the source of the pain. The therapy is designed to improve circulation and reduce the inflammation and swelling. Some seek the assistance of a chiropractor or acupuncturist to help with carpal tunnel syndrome problems. Some people get surgery done. However, surgery is not recommended become most people don’t get the proper relieve from carpal tunnel syndrome surgeries. The success rate for the surgery is low.

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you should cut pack on how often you use the hands and fingers continuously. Also, you should eat whole foods.  You should eat whole grain, fresh vegetables and fruits as well a lean proteins. Also, you should drink plenty of water.

Herbs or Vitamins That May Be Useful

  1. Vitamin B6
  2. Ginkgo biloba
  3. White willow
  4. Magnesium and calcium
  5. Boswellia
  6. Bromelain