
Natural Cure For Low Testosterone Problems

Low Testosterone Low Testosterone can be a serious problem for some men. There are over 5 million or more men that suffer from testosterone problems in America. Nevertheless, few of them get treatment for the problem. There are signs of testosterone problems such as erectile dysfunction, low energy levels, decreased libido or sex drive. Some men can also be very irritable, moody and lack motivation when suffering from testosterone problems. Men also say they have a difficult time sleeping. How Can I Determine If I Have Testosterone Issues? The doctor can test your blood and check your testosterone levels. If the doctor determines that there is a problem, you may receive injections to assist with the problem. The doctor may give you transdermal gel or cream. Natural Ways To Overcome Testosterone Problems 1. Eat More Fat: Studies have shown a diet with higher amounts of monounsaturated and saturated fats can increase testosterone. 2. Relax: When a man is stress, he releases more cortisol in the body. This suppressed the production of testosterone. 3. Get More Sun: Low levels of Vitamin D can cause testosterone problems. 4. Lose Weight: Obesity can cause testosterone problems 5. Diminish Alcohol Usage: Drinking to much alcohol can lead to testosterone problems 6. Add More Zinc To Diet: Zinc plays an important part in regulating serum testosterone levels in healthy men. Eating foods that are rich in this essential nutrient may help. Oysters have a lot of zinc; red meat and poultry do too. Other food sources of zinc include: · beans · nuts · crab · lobster · whole grains Adult males should aim to get 11 mg of zinc each day. 7. Reduce Sugar Intake: Glucose (sugar) decreases testosterone levels in the blood by as much as 25 percent. 8. Start Exercising: Studies show testosterone levels increase after exercising, especially after resistance training. Low testosterone levels can affect your sex drive and your mood. The good news is that exercise improves mood and stimulates brain chemicals to help you feel happier and more confident. Exercise also boosts energy and endurance, and helps you to sleep better. Fitness experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise every