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How To Make Money With Avon MLM Company In 2020

Avon wants their Representatives to succeed by offering a no-barrier earnings opportunity to support themselves and their families. They support each Representative in their efforts to achieve success and empower them to be self-sufficient by earning an income. The company’s direct-selling model offers a low cost of entry, a wide range of training and development opportunities, management support, and digital direct selling tools that enable Representatives to manage and grow their businesses as never before.

All it takes to become a Representative and launch a business is the nominal cost of an appointment fee.

Once appointed, a Representative has flexibility over their schedule and is their own boss, setting the parameters and goals for their business. For some Representatives, selling Avon is a full-time business. Others sell Avon to supplement income from a full-time job, or for a set period of time to help achieve a certain financial goal, such as a child’s college tuition or a family vacation.

Credit-eligible Representatives generally do not pay Avon until their customers pay them directly, meaning a Representative does not have to make a cash outlay to cover the cost of her customers’ orders.

Our business model enables many women, who otherwise might not have access to credit, to pursue and attain their personal financial goals

Is there a place for another representative?

Monthly, there are over 40,000 google global searches and more than 18,000 local searches every month for Avon products.  That’s about 92% more compared to the other competitors. Personal care, clothing, and accessories make up over 54% of the direct selling and MLM industry sales – products which Avon exactly offers.

On the other hand, if you are thinking about making it to the top levels of Avon, you need to recruit members for your unit.  Every month, there are 300,000 searches for business opportunity and great compensation plans in the country and more than 550,000 in the world.

In North America alone, over 260,000,000 people are internet users.  Subtract the 5 million Avon representatives if you wish, but you still got millions of internet users.  Oh, and remember to add the non-internet users.  If you could connect to even just a tiny fraction of that population, you can already see that business opportunity growing and that compensation plan working out well.

Avon  Compensation Plan

Personal                Sales of                 Commission
Sales                       Group

Representative      $25-$144             N/A                       20%
$145-$284           N/A                       30%
$285-$424           N/A                       35%
$425-$899           N/A                       40%
$900-$1,549        N/A                       45%
$1,550 and up      N/A                       50%

Unit Leader           $225                     $1,200                  3-7%
(5 recruits)

Advance                $300                     $4,000                  3-8%
Unit Leader
(12 recruits)

Executive              $350                     $17,500                3-12%
(20 recruits)

Senior Executive   $400                     $40,000                3-12%
leader                                                                                       car allowance
(20 recruits)

As a representative, if you wish to earn a 50% commission, you’ll have to sell at least 78 Avon products.  That gives you $775.  How many friends in social networking sites do you have?  Statistics say that Facebook users have an average of 130 friends in their account.

Almost needless to say, advancing yourself to the other levels of Avon leaders is the smart move to make if you want take advantage of this business opportunity.  The $1,550 sales you made as a representative qualifies you to the other top positions.

But let’s say you can only get 5 friends to work in your team.  You become a Unit Leader.  They each only need to make $240 sales (that’s selling only 12 Avon products) to reach your group sales target.  With the minimum group sales and minimum commission plus the sales you reached as a representative, you earn almost $900.