Frankie Muhammad (Team Tea World)
Independent Business Number 35865
Start Home Based Business With TAVA For Only $49 Limited Time:
Tava LifeStyle is a New Network Marketing Company in the Health And Wellness Industry. The Owner is Kenny Lloyd. This Network Marketing Company is Black Owned. This is rare. It makes it unique. Also, it is backed by a Multi Billion Dollar Distributing Company called Lacore.
Tava in Hebrew means Arc. You can come to TAVA and build a Network Marketing business even if you are a part of another Network Marketing company. Also, If you are a part of Tava you can build a business with another Network Marketing company. However, you need to read the terms of service when doing so. However, TAVA does not have a policy saying that you cant join another MLM company if you are a part of TAVA.
At TAVA, we get paid 5 Different Ways. We have a strong compensation plan. We have excellent leadership and products. Products get shipped on time. Also, there is no need to hoard or stock products. TAVA will ship the products to your customers for you. So go ahead and try our Amazing Kai Detox Tea, VAle30 Liquid Multi Vitamin or our Vida Plus Energy Pill. If you need to make some extra money, go ahead an Lock Your Spot get started today.