
Arnica Natural Herb For Joint And Arthritis Pain

Arnica Best Natural Herb For Joint Pain

Arnica  is a natural herb. This herb is used for healing. Arnica is a genus of perennial the herbaceous plant.  This herb is grown in the United States and Europe.  Arnica is used  to treat joint pain, sprains and arthritis pain. It’s used for aches and bruises.

You can find arnica in ointment, creams and gel form. It is a topical herb. It is used for sprains, bruises, swelling, muscle spasms, soreness and arthritis.  If you have pain in your joints or hand you simply rub the arnica where you are experiencing the pain. It is often used for athletes.  Some people even uses it for muscle pain. Also, it is suppose to be good for swelling. You should never use undiluted arnica on broken or sensitive skin.

Arnica comes from a toxic plant. If you eat this herb, it can kill you. Studies show that the FDA classifies Arnica as an unsafe herb. Most doctors don’t recommend Arnica to their patients. If this herb is use, the homeopathic doses is often safe to sue.

Side Effects of Arnica

You should always consult your doctor before you start to use arnica. Arnica in its pure from poisonous.  If you swallow pure arnica it could cause intestinal, liver and kidney problems. Also, it can cause liver damage or even lead to a coma. When swallowed, this herb can also cause rapid heart beat or lead to death. It  can also irritate the skin. Always look for pure arnica extract, homeopathic pill with 30 times dilution or topical applications. You should use 30 times dilution for first aid treatments and minor injuries. If you are ill, taking medication, pregnant or breast feeding, you should consult your doctor before taking arnica.  This herb is not recommend for children