
Best Way To Avoid A Sexual Transmitted Disease

What is a Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD)? A sexual transmitted disease is a contagious diseases that are spread from one partner to the other during sexual intercourse. STDs can affect anybody within the sphere of sexual population. STDs are global problems. Some of the very common STDs that are affecting the world population today are genital herpes, syphillis and gonorrhea. syphilis, Chlamydia infection, hepatitis A, hepatitis B and AIDS.
What Causes Sexual Transmitted Disease
Sexual Transmitted Diseases are mainly transmitted due to penetrative sexual intercourse, i.e. when the man inserts his penis into the vagina of the female. But most of the STDs can also pass on during other types of sexual activities like oral sex and anal sex. The microorganisms causing these diseases could be viruses, bacteria or fungi and they can generally live in most of the body fluids. If you have more than one sex partner, it increased the chances of you catching a STD.
Symptoms of STDs can not be listed as the term STD refers to a group of diseases. Every such disease has its own symptom. But it often occurs that a person infected with a sexually transmitted disease is unaware of it. A person may never feel sick or may never show any symptom towards a sexually transmitted disease and may still be infected.
Some of most widely knows sexually-transmitted diseases are HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes, and syphilis. These diseases have a variety of effects, though sometimes there are no (visible) symptoms. Some symptoms of STDs are
· sore throat
· ulcers
· blindness
· death
· itching and scratching
· menstrual problems
· abnormal urination
· fever
What is also important for individuals to do is, after having any type of sex in which bodily fluids can be exchanged, to visit a clinic to be tested for a sexually-transmitted disease. Many clinics provide free sexually-transmitted diseases tests. Moreover, those individuals who know that they have a sexually-transmitted disease should not have sex so that the disease(s) they have do not spread. If they do want to have risk the spread of their disease and have sex, they must inform their sexual partner of each and every sexually-transmitted disease (they know) they have.
Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or reduce the risk of being infected by an STD. Because STDs occur by an exchange of bodily fluids, one prevention technique is using condoms. Condom use is not a foolproof way to stop the transmission of STDs; it just reduces the risk of the spread of the disease. There are also vaccines for certain diseases, although most vaccines are not completely effective and many are being improved or developed.
Best Way To Avoid A Sexual Transmitted Disease
Have regular check-ups – If you want to avoid from acquiring sexually transmitted diseases, always be consistent about getting tested and treated. Even if you do not have STD, it is still advisable to undergo some prevention methods. You and your partner should convince each other to have regular check-ups so as to make sure you are safe from acquiring such. Regular check-ups are very important to maintain a healthy life.
Practice safer sex – If you are sexually active, always practice safer sex. Male and female condoms are available at all stores. When engaging into sex, make sure you have all protective gears to make sure you are safe from acquiring some diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases can be very dangerous. No matter what type of sexual activity you engage in, always make sure that you have helpful barriers to protect you from all infectious discharges that might be acquired from your partner. These barriers or protective gears do not really give 100% protection, but it will highly reduce the risks of acquiring some diseases.
Have a monogamous relationship – Try to reduce and prevent yourself from acquiring sexually transmitted diseases by having a monogamous relationship. Two faithful individuals who engage in sexual activities are not at risk on acquiring some infectious diseases, however, when one individual consistently engages in sexual activities with different partners, it will absolutely place him or her at risk for acquiring one. It is very important that you and your partner are honest in your relationship. Make sure you are both truly faithful with each other. If you have been practicing safer sex for a long time already, you can be secured and you can actually trust your individual health.