
Can Vaccines Be Dangerous To Your Health

Hidden Dangers Of Vaccines

I am not an advocate of taking vaccines. I am not saying that some vaccines are not good or serve a great purpose. However, vaccines have to many side effects as well as hidden dangers. I think our body is able to heal and cure most disease if we give it the proper nutrition. I think when we suffer from diseases, it is a result of us poisoning the environment, air, water and food. If we eat quality foods, drink alkaline water, exercise and get plenty of rest, the body will heal itself. Also, it is always good to detox the body to get all the poisons out.

Studies have shown over and over again that millions of people especially children are treated for adverse effects from vaccines. Studies show that some vaccines are very dangerous and toxic. Furthermore, vaccines are never 100 percent protective against any illness or disease. I personally think populations all over the world are bing over vaccinated. This is very unhealthy and damaging. Also, I think the potential for long term health problems from vaccines far outweigh any good benefits we can get from vaccines.

People need to understand the dangers of vaccines are real. Also, the problem that comes from them can be life-long. Many vaccines are unsafe. Also,  they contain unavoidable live viruses, and diseases. Some vaccines also have GMOs. Also, they have hormones from infected cows, pigs, chickens, monkeys and untested viruses. They also contain aluminum phosphate and MSG which is also toxic.

Toxic Ingredients In Vaccines

  1. Aluminum (Neurotoxins)
  2. Mercury (Neurotoxins)
  3. Animal Bacteria
  4. Bovine Cow Serum
  5. Sorbitol
  6. Gelatin
  7. Sodium Chloride
  8. Thimercosal
  9. Formaldehyde
  10. Phenoxyethanol

Health Problems That Comes From Vaccines

  1. Brain Swelling
  2. Brain Injuries
  3. Seizures
  4. Blood Disorders
  5. Convulsions
  6. Multiple Scierosis
  7. Skin Disorders
  8. Anaphlactic Shock
  9. Meningitis
  10. Nerve Disorders
  11. Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis
  12. Hearing Loss
  13. Autism
  14. Even Death

It’s important to know that since 1988 over 3 billion dollars in compensation has been paid by the federal government to vaccine victims.

Best Regards,

Frankie Muhammad