
Can You Lose Weight Having Sex

Sex does burn calories. Experts estimate 30 minutes of sex burns 85 to 150 calories. Those calories could add up if you are having sex often enough. Theoretically, you need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose a pound of body weight, so if you were using up 100 calories every time you had sex, you could lose one pound if you had sex 35 times. That sounds pretty good. If you had sex more often or for a longer period of time, you could burn even more calories.

Best Sex Positions for Weight Loss

You’re damn right we’re going to tackle this topic and breakdown the best ways to drop those pounds while spicing up your sex life a bit.

Utilizing sex positions in a standing manner will have you much more inclined to burn fat by the amount of energy and muscle contractions that go into the support factor.

Because you’re using your entire body, there’s going to be a heavier focus on keeping your strength at optimal levels and muscles in use.

After all, you don’t want to look weak when trying to pin your significant other up to a wall and only be able to hold them for a few seconds.

Core and leg strength are what it’s all about.

Doggy Style

We’re all adults here so this should come as no surprise.

This position stimulates the female and requires more abdominal and glute strength to maintain that position for a longer period of time.

For men – not only is this one of the best positions out there, but it also is great for stamina build-up and strengthens the quads.


Ah, yes. Nothing says crazy Saturday nights with the missus quite like the good ole’ missionary position.

Just kidding.

No, but seriously.

Missionary is a great exercise for men as it requires more work (obviously) and energy expenditure to keep the rhythm going.

Cowgirl/Reverse Cowgirl

Ladies, this one is for you.

Cowgirl is the perfect position to help build stamina, strengthen the core and leg muscles all while giving yourself the ultimate workout for pleasure.

The overall activity level is dependent on the pace you want to take it but is the most effective for burning calories.