
Corruption In The Stock Market Racism Class Warfare AMC And GME Debacle

First let me do a disclaimer. Any thing I say is based on opinions, personal feelings, assumptions and for entertainment purpose only and may not be factual. I have to say this so I want get sued. Now, I have been involved in the AMC Debacle for almost 10 months. I didn’t know anything about stocks until I got in this stock play. I have learned a lot. It appears has if the stock market is one of the most corrupt entities in the world.

The Stock Market hold probably more of the nations wealth than any other entity. However, there is a lot of racism in the stock market as well as Class Warfare. See in my opinion, big money in the Stock Market don’t care about anyone as long as your poor. They don’t care about poor black or white people. The stock market at one time was just for wealthy and privilege. However, over the past decade they decide to let the average person invest in the stock market. Many Retail Investors came to the stock market through Robinhood. Once retail investors learn how to use the stock market to create financial freedom, it became a problem for certain Hedge Funds And Institutions that were controlling the Stock Market And Wall Street.

After being a part of the AMC Debacle and looking at the problem with other stocks that had been and is still being shorted by Hedge Funds. Many people have came to the conclusion that Wall Street only allowed Retail Investors in the market because they knew that their knowledge on the stock market was limited. They call retail investors Dumb Money. They knew that they would be able to use their experience, stock savvy, technology and money to steal retail investor’s money. Many Feel Wall Street don’t like Retail Investors but they want their money.

Retail Investors have been coming together along with using their money, resources and social media to fight back. They are trying to create a fair stock market. They want to be able to invest in the market without being robbed and abused. Some people say that the Hedge Funds have stolen over a Trillion Dollars from Retail Investors by using Payment For Order Flow, Technology, Highly Educated People With PHDs, Psychologist And The Control Most Major News Sources. Some people say that the Hedge Funds that have been manipulating the Stock Market and stealing from Retail Investors have everyone on their payroll and I do mean everyone.

I personally have not seen anything like it in my life. You allegedly have a group hedge funds and institutions stealing from retail investors. Everybody that is in the position to do something about it know its going on but refused to stop it. It’s literally like they have so much power. They are above the law. They cant be stopped. Everyone Fears these powerful Hedge Funds And Institutions. It’s like someone going to the police department and saying they are robbing people in this neighbor. The police see it. They know it. Yet, they refuse to do anything about it. It’ crazy!

Let me say this. Retail investors especially those that are a part of the AMC And GME Debacle are fighting back. We get it Wall Street don’t like Retail Investors but they want our money. Retail investors are not going to sit back and let Criminals, Hedge Funds And Institutions allegedly steal their money through a corrupt stock market and not fight back.

Everyone knows who is the leader of the Allegedly Criminal Activity that is taking place in the stock market against retail investors. Some people even refer to him as the Devil. He has made millions of dollars from allegedly stealing from retail investors. Yes, he has also help others make millions of dollars. Although he will probably never go to jail because they say he is the devil. He will probably always be wealthy. Nevertheless, we want him and his technology removed from the Stock Market. It is the only way the Stock Market can be fair and honest. Many feels he needs to be removed. He is toxic to the stock market.

In conclusion, It appears as if the Wall Street has engaged in Racism And Class Warfare against retail investors. It appears as Wall Street never intended for black people as well as poor people in general to make money from the stock market. It was only designed for Hedge Funds and Certain Institutions to make wealth through the stock market.  They want Retail Investors Money but they don’t want them to make money and become financially independent by investing in the stock market. So hopefully with the help of retail investors, the AMC And GME Apes, Good Hedge Funds And Institutions we can create a safer  and better stock market for retail investors.

Disclaimer, I am not a financial advisor. Any Information provided is for entertainment purposes only. Information in this blog post is based on opinions, assumptions and feelings. May not be factual.

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