
Cutting Calories But Not Losing Weight


Are You Cutting Calories Not Losing Weight? If you are eating less but not losing weight is that likely that you are still consuming more calories than you are managing to burn. Guessing you calorie intake is not the same as making exact calculations. You may be estimating some foods to contain less calories than they actually do.

If you are following a diet plan that doesn’t specify serving sizes could mean you are also consuming more than your body can burn. Your calorie count could be significantly higher than you think. Take some time to research portion size to get a reliable estimation of how much food you should be eating at each meal. It is also possible you are not paying attention to hidden “extras” such as sauces and side dishes. This is especially something you should be aware of when eating out.

Not losing weight is certainly because you are ingesting more calories (or perhaps using fewer calories) than you think. The disadvantage of processed packaged foods – as well as the high sodium content – is that the calorie-count stated on the label can be very inaccurate, sometimes by as much as 20%. This type of food also tends to be unsatisfying, due to lack of nutrients, which means you need to eat more to top up.

Tips For Weight Loss

1). Use one of the many excellent online calorie counters to make sure you have a realistic estimation of how many calories you are eating daily.
2). You should Cut down your serving sizes – a typical “portion” should be no larger than the size of your clenched fist.
3). You should reduce consumption of  processed package foods and replace them with fresh produce, preferably raw.