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Did You Know Network Marketing Is A Billion Dollar Industry

Frankie Muhammad Home Based Business Owner Professional Network Marketer

Frankie Muhammad


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Network Marketing Home Based Business

Why Network Marketing is a 80 Billion Dollar Industry. The answer to this question is very simple. Network Marketing has a business model that works , and it creates success. There is no other business model that allows a person to create a home based business, build residual income, work from home with a minimum investment up front. The network marketing industry has created more millionaires especially women than any other industry.

If you have always wanted to start your own business, work from home, build residual income, help people and sell amazing products, Multi Level Marketing is absolutely for you. Today, you can start a home based business with limited income and resources. You don’t have to worry about your credit or someone judging you about your past. Your success in this industry will be determine by your efforts, loyalty and hard work.

When you build a home based MLM business, you set your own schedule. You are the boss. You determine your future. You build your dreams instead of someone else dreams. It’s okay to work a job. But your ultimate goal should be to invest in yourself and build something for yourself and your family.

The income you have the potential to make is awesome. However, the most awesome thing about Network Marketing is the ability to help people with your products or help others build home based businesses. It’s great to be able to add value to other people lives.

The thing I can say about the Network Marketing Industry is that it rewards hard work and success. You have the ability to fire your boss. There is no limit to the amount of money that you can make. You have people making 6 and 7 figure incomes in Network Marketing. You have people using this industry to build dreams for themselves and family everyday.

What Is The Success Rate In MLM

Statistics show that Network Marketing has a 95% failure rate. In my opinion, people don’t fail. They just quit. Let’s face it in life we have a lot people the love to quit endeavors when they feel a little pain. They don’t want to work through the pain. Also, people don’t know how to chose the right network marketing company. They don’t have any business skills or marketing skills. They just join a network marketing company because the investment is low and then they quit when they can’t build a business in 90 days. It’s crazy.

When you choosing a MLM company, you got to research the company. You got to choose a company that has a solid foundation. You want a company that has awesome training and leadership. Also, you want to join a company that has products that you can be passionate about.  Furthermore, you want to make sure the products that you sell people want and the products are hot.  You want to make sure the products add value to people lives. You want to make sure the company makes most of it’s money off of selling products and not recruiting other distributors.

I love the Network Marketing Industry.  It is one of the best ways to start a home bases business. If you have always wanted to start a home based business, work from home, set your own schedule and build residual income, you should strongly look into the network marketing industry.

Best Regards

Frankie Muhammad