
Fat Burner Game Changer HCG Drops Lose Up To 2 Pounds A Day

HCG Drops Lose 1 to 2 Pounds A Day

HCG drops is an awesome weight loss supplement. With this weight loss supplement, people are able to lose 1 to 2 pounds a day. HCG is a natural hormone in the body, quickly absorbed, that activates the Hypothalamus to release and mobilize the abnormal fats (extra) that is found in your body and uses this as a source of energy or a source of food. So, when you are on a very low calorie diet such as a 500 calorie diet, HCG Life Drops helps your body compensate the difference in calories that it needs to function through the use of stored fat making it a source of food for your body. This turns the body into a fat burning machine. The result is rapid weight loss.

HCG is what triggers the hypothalamus to mobilize the stored fats in the bloodstream to be used as a source of food. It is believed that it resets your metabolism and serves to protect the good fat from your body and maintain the muscle tissue from breaking down. Many people are surprised to learn that the history of the HCG diet goes back almost sixty years.  Although HCG diets have gained wide attention only in recent years, basic research of these programs goes back to the 1950s, and originated in India.

Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin is what HCG stands for. It is a complex molecule that contains over 244 amino acids.  It is found in all human tissue, both men and women. HCG is a natural hormone, naturally produced in great quantities during pregnancy to ensure adequate nutrients for the developing baby.

How To Use HCG

Stage 1: This stage consists of 3 days, in which you should weigh yourself every morning, after going to the bathroom and keep a record (write it down) every morning. Take 10 drops of HCG  Drops, 30 minutes before any main food (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Hold the 10 drops under your tongue for 5 minutes; this increases the absorption of the drops by the body. Do not drink or eat anything 15 minutes before or after taking the drops. Do this every day with the drops during your Stage 1. In this stage, the drops will help identify where in your body, the abnormal fats are stored. So in this 1st Stage, eat all foods that are high in fats and high in calories. ENJOY these 3 days, nothing is out of limits.

Stage 2: Continue taking the drops as in Stage 1. In this 2nd Stage, the HCG Drops will begin to convert the stored fat into energy as you begin today, your Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD).

*Drink 10 glasses of water a day.
*Continue the weighing every morning, after going to the bathroom (no clothes) writing down the weight.
*Women: If you should be in your menstrual cycle while you begin your HCG Life Drops, do not take the
drops during your first three days of your cycle.
*Keep doing your 500 calories per day meal plan.
*You can do the program from 23 to 40 days, taking the HCG Life Drops.
*ONLY eat the foods allowed in the list. (This will be mentioned later on). Do not skip any meals. Your
500 calories consist of Proteins, Vegetables and Fruits.
*Remember, HCG Life Drops will help your body use from the stored fat 1,500 calories, so you will not
only be in taking 500 calories. (1,500 + 500 = 2,000 calories per day)

Proteins: (2 portions per day) 3 ½ oz. each or (100 grams) choose from: Beef LEAN, Chicken Breast
(no skin), Shrimp, White Fish (ex. tilapia, sea bass), crab, lobster, lamb.

Vegetables: (2 portions per day) 3 ½ oz each or (100 grams) choose from: tomatoes, cucumbers,
celery, asparagus, radish, cabbage, large onion or any type of onion, broccoli, cauliflower, chard leaf.
Lettuce and Spinach are UNLIMITED.

Fruits: (2 portions per day) Choose from: 1 medium Apple, 1 orange, 1 peach, strawberries (6 medium
sized), 1 medium grapefruit, 1 fistful of berries (raspberries, blueberries), Melon Cantaloupe, Lemon.

Melba toast: Eat 3-4 pieces per day without any butter or jams.

Liquids: You can drink all the Iaso Tea you desire, black coffee or Iaso Coffee, and water.
Sweeten with Stevia. Only one tablespoon of milk is allowed every 24 hours.
You can cook or prepare your foods with herbs and spices, whichever you like.
Use Sea Salt, Lemon and Vinegar for the rest.

Stage 3: At the end of your 23 or 40 days, depending on the time you chose to do this program in your
Stage 2, continue your meal plan of 500 calories per day for three (3) more days, without the HCG Life Drops. The HCG is still in your bloodstream and you will continue to lose weight these three days.

Stage 4: After the three days of Stage 3, you will begin to intake daily:

1,200 calories for WOMEN; 1,500 calories for MEN
: white flour products, sugars, white rice, regular pasta, soda.
Allowed: any whole grain: whole grain rice, oatmeal, whole grain pastas, etc.

IF upon weighing yourself, you notice that you have gained 2 pounds; at dinner that day, you will have a Steak Day with Vegetables. (This will be your last meal for that day).

*Do not force the body to do exhausting exercises, walk for 30 minutes. If you already have a routine,
lower the intensity.

*If 3-4 days have passed and you have not lost any weight, do an APPLE DAY. Eat during one entire
day, ONLY 6 apples, plus your HCG Life Drops and any other supplement and drink your liquids as well.

Stage 4 is very important, since we are reprogramming your hypothalamus to record your new weight and you will not regain the weight you have lost when you begin to eat your calories allowed in Stage 4. Your body has been in a strict meal program for 23-40 days, it has learned to eat appropriately with correct meals and portions.

*After this stage, you will begin to gradually intake cereals, brown sugar, syrup, etc, in small portions.
(THE KEY IS TO DO THIS SLOWLY), keep weighing yourself every day.  If you notice you have gained 2 pounds you can do the Steak Day or the Apple Day and the next morning your weight will be back to normal.  Now you have learned a new way of living and eating, share with others the benefits of the HCG Life Drops. See your new body and continue having good eating habits and exercise to keep your new weight for life, be happy and smile. Remember your health is FIRST.

*If you need to lose more weight, after Stage 4, rest for 3 weeks and begin a new cycle from Stage1 to Stage 4 of the HCG  Drops for the next 23 to 40 days.

Benefits Of Iaso HCG Drops

  • HCG drops are taken Orally.
  • With taking HCG drops you can lose 1-2 lbs daily!
  • These homeopathic diet drops are safe and effective for men & women
  • Our HCG has all natural ingredients
  • No injections!
  • Same results as HCG clinics, saving thousands of dollars!
  • No exercise needed while taking them!
  • No hunger pains with taking HCG diet drops
  • Our HCG is the purest, most effective product available!
  • No prescription required!
  • HCG Diet drops have been proven to increase your energy levels.
  • Physically active people will lose weight more quickly.
  • HCG converts fat into nutrients without loss of muscle.
  • Non-invasive
  • Natural
  • Affordable
  • Cheaper than the injections
  • User-friendly
  • Painless
  • Side-effect free

Frequent Asked Questions

How long will it take Iaso HCG drops to work? It takes approximately two to three days for HCG to integrate into your system. At the start of the loading phase, you will be introducing HCG to your body. By the time you start the low calorie diet phase, HCG should be triggering the release of enough hormones to let go of and burn abnormal and excess fat tissue.

Can a diabetic take HCG Drops? Diabetics can participate in the HCG diet and the HCG loading phase and have very successful weight loss results. They will need to monitor their blood sugars carefully, and may need to adjust medications appropriately. Discussing these concerns with your HCG doctor is always advised.

Do I Have To Exercise? No

What is the best food for the loading face?

  • Rich dressings eg. Hollandaise sauce, mayonnaise
  • Fried meats eg. chicken, pork
  • Meats eg. bacon, pork ribs, beef franks, hamburger, sausage
  • Cheese, butter, cream cheese, heavy cream, milk shakes
  • Avocados, guacamole, nuts
  • Starches: potatoes (mashed with gravy), potato chips, white rice
  • Breads: bagels, burger/hot dog buns
  • Sweets: pastries, cheesecake, ice-cream

How can I survive on 500 calories? The HCG helps release from 1,500 to 4,000 calories from your fat stored over the 500 extra calories you eat this equals a diet of 2,000 to 4,000 calories so that people do not feel hungry with the HCG diet.

Are their side effects? No side effects with homeopathic HCG Life Drops. Very few people doing this diet experience headachesor dizziness, light headed on the early days, but this is extremely rare and happens in the first few daysonly. HCG has been used to lose weight for over 50 years, so there is enough evidence to support their safety.

Can I take HCG drops if I’m Pregnant or Breast Feeding? You should contact your doctor first.

How long should I take the HCG drops? You can take the drops for up to 6 weeks at a time. You can expect to lose about 1 pound of fat per day while on this diet. If you have over 35 to 40 pounds to lose, you can do more cycles after a break of 6 weeks. We have had clients who have lost over 200 pounds with our product.

Are There Side Effects? No side effects with homeopathic HCG Life Drops. Very few people doing this diet experience headachesor dizziness, light headed on the early days, but this is extremely rare and happens in the first few daysonly. HCG has been used to lose weight for over 50 years.