
Food Ingredients Dangerous To The Body

Food Cautions

We live in a society that eats too much processed foods and not enough wholefoods. Process foods are loaded with harmful ingredients. This ingredients lead to all kinds of health problems. You want to eat foods that say all natural or organic. However, sometimes you have to even be careful when you see the word natural. You should always read the ingredients on the food label. If the food label has more than 5 ingredients, you may not want to eat that particular food. Also, if the label has words you can’t pronounce you may not want to eat that particular food. For example, if you buy apple juice the label should say purified water and apples. It is just that simple. There should not be 10 ingredients in a bottle of apple juice. The problem is the food industry add all these preservatives, additives, artificial flavors, synthetic vitamins and sugars along with other harmful ingredients to our food.

Also, we eat too many fortified foods. Fortified foods also have synthetic vitamins in them. Example of a fortified food would be almond and coconut milk. These foods have synthetic vitamins in them. Many of these vitamins are cheap and made in labs. They are not real food. They say these vitamins are natural, but they are not. They can be harmful to the body. They are like drugs to the body.

Food Cautions Ingredients You Should Avoid In Food

  1. Soy
  2. Artificial Coloring
  3. Artificial Flavoring
  4. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  5. Fructose Corn Syrup
  6. Wheat (Glutin)
  7. Artificial Sweetners
  8. BHT, BHA
  9. Potassium Benzoate
  10. Soy Lecithin
  11. Soy Protein
  12. Hydrogentated Oil
  13. Sodium Nitrates
  14. White Sugar
  15. Sodium Chloride (Fake Salt)
  16. Aspartame
  17. Synthetic Vitamins
  18. Hydrolized Proteins
  19. Carrageenan
  20. BPA
  21. Flouride
  22. Yeast Extract
  23. Disodium Inosinate
  24. Disodium Guanylate

Best Regards,

Frankie Muhammad