
Get A Month Supply Iaso Herbal Detox Tea

Frankie Muhammad CTFO Network Marketing Company



For those that are not familiar with Iaso Tea, let me discuss what it is. Iaso Tea is a detox herbal tea made by Total Life Changes. The tea helps people detox and lose weight. It is the hottest detox tea on the market. People in are getting major results and instant gratification with the Iaso Detox Tea. Most people see quick result when they start detoxing with the tea.

Iaso tea has the ability to detoxify your digestive tract, cleanse your colon, cleanse your blood, remove parasites and worms, treat indigestion, remove toxins, and does a lot of other things as well. Moreover, it is believed to have been highly beneficial for the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and lungs. Also, it suppresses the appetite.
Iaso tea does not have caffeine, and it is not a laxative. Therefore, you can drink it everyday. It’s best to drink 2 eight ounces cups a day when you start detoxing.

Iaso Tea Ingredients

. Papaya: It is used to prevent and treat parasite infections, stomach disorders, and aging skin. Its leaf contains 2 percent papain that helps to break down fats, sugars, and proteins in the gut.
. Ginger: Due to its antiseptic properties, it is extremely helpful in preventing food poisoning and treating intestinal infections.
. Myrrh: It has anti-microbial, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties that are extremely beneficial for the human body.
. Blessed Thistle: Its active ingredient, nicin, is known to have anti-cancer, and anti-bacterial properties, making it an effective herb for overall wellness.
. Marsh Mallow Leaves: It is used for gut and respiratory inflammation, to soothe bladder infections, constipation, and stomach ulcers.
. Holy Thistle: It helps to treat fevers, colds, and also helps in digestion.
. Persimmon Leaves: It helps to treat constipation and high blood pressure.
. Malva Leaves: They have been used for years to soothe digestive system and membranes.
. Chamomile: It has been prized for several centuries as a great remedy for skin conditions, muscle cramps, and nervous tension.

Why I Use Iaso Herbal Detox Tea

I purchased a month supply of Iaso Herbal Detox Tea for me and my family every month. I drink the Iaso tea because it makes me feel good. Also, it gets all the wastes, toxins, pesticides and parasites out my body. It helps keep me healthy. I detox my body with the Iaso Detox Tea 3 to 4 times a week. It does not have any caffeine and the tea is organic. Also, it does not have senna so it’s not a laxative. Therefore, I can drink it as much as I want without having any problems.

Even if I was not a Distributor for Total Life Changes, I would still continue to buy the tea because it works. Most people don’t ever detox their body. This is why they stay sick or don’t feel good. We eat a lot process and junk food. We eat a lot of meat, cheese and bread. These types of food accumulates a lot of waste in the body. Most people have 5 to 10 pounds of waste in the body and don’t know it. This is why most people lose 5 pounds the first week they detox with Iaso Herbal Tea.

We spend a lot of money on emergency room visits, hospital visits and doctor visits. A lot of this is because we don’t drink enough water, and we don’t detox our bodies. We will invest money in technology, cell phones, houses, cars, clothes, drugs, alcohol and cigarettes but we want invest in ourselves. If we want to be healthy, we have to invest in our self and take care of our body.

So How Can Get A Month Supply Iaso Herbal Detox Tea

https://retail.totallifechanges.com/superhealthstoreYou should always purchase Iaso Tea from a Total Life Changes Distributor. This way you need you are getting a safe and fresh product. If you want to get the Iaso Tea in Memphis, you need to find a Total Life Changes Distributor in the area. Also, if you become a Total Life Changes distributor you can get the Iaso tea yourself for half price. If you go to a distributor’s with a Total Life Changes website, the tea will cost you $44.00. You can only purchase a four pack and this is a month supply.