
How Can I Protect My Liver

How To Protect The Liver
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It is the hardest-working organs in our body. The liver performs hundreds of functions. What does the liver do for the body? The liver processes anything we eat or drink, and either repackages it for your body to use or eliminates it. The liver also stores nutrients in the body. It is the major organ for processing nutrients. Things that we eat that are not healthy has the potential to damage the liver.
How Can I Protect The Liver
The best way to protect the liver is to eat whole foods and have a good diet. You should eat a lot of protein from plants. Also, it is best to stay away from foods that have a lot of fat. We should limit the amount of meat that we eat and eat more vegetables and fruits. Also, legumes, beans and lentils are good for the liver. It is best to avoid eating a lot of processed foods. Processed foods have a lot of preservatives and chemicals. Fish, nuts and flaxseeds are also good nutrition for the liver just don’t eat too much.
Why Is It Important To Detox The Liver? You avoid problems such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, fat inside the liver. Also, you can avoid Wilson disease, cancer, and disorder of liver tissue.

What Are Some Of The Causes Of Liver Problems
When it is said liver disease it refers to any potential liver problems causing improper operation. Generally, at least 75% of the tissue should be damaged and the work of it will stop. Few factors can cause liver disease and some of them are:
· Toxic influence of drugs
· Hepatitis
· Un- alcoholic fatty liver disease
· Born or hereditary abnormalities of liver
Signs Of Liver Problems
1. Weight loss
2. Nausea
3. Dark urine
4. Anemia
1. Change in mental status
2. Pain in the upper right hand
3. Vomiting blood
4. Flu
5. Swollen joints
10. Weight loss

How to clean the liver?
Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol. But, for helping the liver to purify, do this juice for detox which is proved as very effective.
· One medium clove of beet
· One or two small carrots
· One larger apple
· One glass of water

Put the ingredients in blender, juicer and mix it until the mixture becomes smooth. You can prepare it without water and get mushy mixture and by adding water you will get juice. Prepare it as you desire.
This juice should be consumed on empty stomach, in small sips but before you need to drink a tablespoon of olive oil with juice of half a lemon.
Throughout the day, consume fluids and tea from “donkey thistle”.
Caring For The Liver
Don’t drink a lot of alcohol. It can damage liver cells and lead to the swelling or scarring that becomes cirrhosis, which can be deadly.
Eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. You’ll keep your weight under control, which helps prevent nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition that leads to cirrhosis.
Watch out for certain medicines. Cholesterol drugs and the painkiller acetaminophen (Tylenol) can hurt your liver if you take too much.
You may be taking more acetaminophen than you realize. It’s found in hundreds of drugs like cold medicines and prescription pain medicines
Stay Healthy
Frankie Muhamamd