
How Can You Make Money With Wealth Generator MLM Company

Frankie Muhammad
Network Marketing Professional

Wealth Generator is a Network Marketing Company. The creator is Ryan Smith, Annette Raynor, Chad Miller and M. Arthur Romano. This Network Marketing Company was launched in 2013. This is a U. S. Company. The headquarters is in Utah. Kevin Gull the president of the company has been in over 12 networking start-ups over a 10 year period. Overall, he has 20 years experience in the business development and strategy world. Unlike other financial MLM companies that sells consumable products like weight loss drinks, skin lotions, and energy services. Wealth Generators is more than just a platform its more about helping their members with an opportunity earn income through their Wealth Generators Compensation Plan as well.
Wealth Generator Network Marketing Company Compensation Plan.

Wealth Generators will pay you $5 for every active members. Of course many restrictions apply on comp plans and bonus but the general rule is you get 5$ per customer. Also they have this thing called clubs. Club basically means you are getting a guaranteed amount of money every month. For example if you have 12 people in your downline, you’ll make $500 plus $5 per each member (total $560). Of course people will fall off your line, many will see it as a scam and just quit, many others will be forced to quit because they aren’t making a single dime yet they have to spend $130 monthly to remain a member. The point is, you’ll always have to be pushing this “opportunity” on new members in order to make some kind of money. This is not a business, this is a job which requires you to trick people into wasting their hard-earned money by promising them easy and indefinite riches.

How Much It cost To Join Wealth Generator Network Marketing Company

Wealth Generator membership costs $129.99 per month. However when you’ll be joining, you would be highly encouraged to also pay the one time fee of $249 so you would qualify for coded bonuses (and then keep paying the $130 monthly fee). But hey, if you bring in 3 other members willing to pay $130 each, WG will wave your membership fee. Their membership fees keep jumping around but at the time of writing this that’s the cost of joining WG. What do you get for $130 per month? A $9.99 tax software and a free forex trading software.

Wealth Generator 3 different memberships:

Member: It’s a $99 monthly fee, includes access to monthly 3 pack.
Qualified Generator: It’s $229 at enrollment and $99 per month.
Generator: It’s $124.99 at enrollment and $99 per month.

In order to earn a $600 residual income you’ll need a total of 12 people each with 100PV. Of course they also have bonuses, rank advancements and a pass-up compensation plan. I didn’t take much time to examine the comp plan but is decent enough for people to totally ignore the trading and focus entirely on recruiting.