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How To Build A Profitable Network Marketing Business

Frankie Muhammad Tava LifeStyle MLM Company

Frankie Muhammad

Network Marketing Professional


Focus On Your Target Market

Identify your target market and focus your marketing efforts at them. Someone who doesn’t care about vitamins or health and wellness isn’t a good person to pester about your business. 

Promote Products And Business Plan Everyday

Many MLM sponsors will have you focus on recruiting new business builders; however, your income, in legitimate MLM, comes from the sales of products or services (whether through you or your recruits) Further, customers who love the products or services can more easily be converted into new business builders. Just like any other business (home-based or otherwise), getting the word out about your product or service can benefit your target market is the key to generating new customers and recruits.

Don’t Recruit Sponsor Instead

One of the benefits of MLM is the ability to bring in new business builders and profit from the sales they make in their business. While some see this as “using” others, the reality is that you’re being rewarded for helping others succeed. But for them to succeed, you need to see your role not as racking up as many recruits as possible, but in being a leader and trainer. The focus then is on the success of those you help in the business, not on you.

MLM is a person-to-person to business. While many people don’t like that aspect, especially in the digital age, the reality is that it’s the personal touch that sells the products and business, and retains customers and business builders.

Learn How to Market

MLMers promote three-foot rule (everyone within 3-feet of you is a prospect) and other traditional marketing tactics. But direct sales is like any other business. It can and should be marketed in a variety of ways that take into consideration your target market, what it needs, how you can help it, and where it can be found. To that end, you can use a variety of marketing tools including a website (check your companies policies about websites), email,​ and social media to increase product sales and interest in your business. 

Be Different Other Distributors

One of the challenges of MLM is convincing prospects to buy or join with you as opposed to the other reps that live in the neighborhood or they know online. You’re selling the same stuff as thousands of others, meaning consumers have a choice. You need to do something that makes you unique compared to everyone else. Give people a reason to choose you over other reps. Some options include more personalized service, starting your own rewards program, or something that offers greater value.

Find a Company With a Product You Love

Too many people get caught up in the hype of potential big income from MLM, that they don’t pay enough attention to what the company is asking you to sell. You can’t sell something or share your business if you don’t genuinely have pride in what you are representing. Do your MLM research and partner with a company that has a product you can get excited about. Don’t forget to look into the company’s compensation plan before you join and make sure it is favorable to you.

Don’t Hassle Your Friends and Family About Your Business

Nothing will annoy your family and cost you and friends, more than constantly pestering them about your business. There’s nothing wrong with letting them know what you’re doing and seeing if they have an interest, but if the answer is “no,” let it go. have to offer. That means deciding who the target market is for your products/services, as well as the business opportunity.

Be A Ethical Business Owner

One reason that Network Marketing gets a bad rap is that many representatives use hype the business and sometimes use deception to lure in new recruits. This leads many to believe that the MLM companies themselves encourage this behavior when in truth, they don’t.

Legitimate MLM companies want you to be honest in your dealings with customers and potential recruits. If you love your product, your enthusiasm is enough to promote it. Just make sure you’re not over-the-top or making exaggerated or false claims.