
How To Burn Fat Extremely Fast Intermittent Fasting Burn Fat Fast

What is Intermittent Fasting. Intermittent fasting is an eating method where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. This form of fasting does not say anything about which foods to eat, but rather when you should eat them.

Intermittent Fasting

There are several different intermittent fasting methods, all of which split the day or week into eating periods and fasting periods. Most people already “fast” every day, while they sleep. Intermittent fasting can be as simple as extending that fast a little longer.You can do this by skipping breakfast, eating your first meal at noon and your last meal at 8 pm. Then you’re technically fasting for 16 hours every day, and restricting your eating to an 8-hour eating window

Types Of Intermittent Fasting

  1. The 16/8 Method: Fast for 16 hours each day, for example by only eating between noon and 8pm. (My Favorite For Losing Weight)
  2. Eat-Stop-Eat: Once or twice a week, don’t eat anything from dinner one day, until dinner the next day (a 24 hour fast).
  3. The 5:2 Diet: During 2 days of the week, eat only about 500–600 calories.

Special Note For 16 Hour Fasting:  When you fast for 16 hours, you have to eat the right foods during the 8 hours you are allowed to eat. This is  to ensure that you are getting the right nutrients, minerals, vitamins and proteins. Make sure you eat enough good fats when you are fasting. This will keep you full and healthy.  Healthy fats are lean meats like chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt,  nuts, nut butters,  coconut, advocado, olives.

You also got to eat your vegetables during the 8 hours period of eating.

Also, you got to drink 6 to 8 or more glasses of water. Because your are fasting, you will be burning a lot of fat. Fat has toxins. You want to drink the water so that you can stay hydrated and remove toxins from the body.

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting
  1. Mental Sharpness
  2. Weight Loss
  3. Optimized Hormones
  4. Lower Inflammation
  5. Disease Protection
  6. Boost Metabolism
  7. Burning Fat
  8. Improve Health
  9. Boost Immune System
  10. Improve Glucose Level
  11. Slower Aging Process
  12. Improve Blood Pressure
How to Create Your Intermittent Fasting Plan

The beauty of intermittent fasting is that there really is just one rule: Eat for 8 hours; don’t eat for 16 hours. (Some women choose to fast for 18 hours. When you decide to start eating is up to you. What you eat during that time frame is up to you. Figure out what works best for your schedule and your lifestyle.

At first, it won’t be easy to switch over to a new eating regimen, so consider easing into it. Start out on a M-W-F plan, intermittently fasting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and eating normally the other days. After a couple of weeks, add in another intermittent fasting day, then another.

Additional Benefits Of Intermittently Fasting

  • Improved mental clarity and concentration
  • Lowered blood insulin and sugar levels
  • Reversal of type 2 diabetes
  • Increased energy
  • Improved fat burning
  • Increased growth hormone
  • Lowered blood cholesterol
  • Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease (potential)
  • Longer life (potential)

Activation of cellular cleansing (potential) by stimulating autophagy (a discovery that was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in medicine).