
How To Handle Mood State Of Hypomania

State Of HypomaniaWhat is Hypomania? This can be found along with the bipolar spectrum. Hypomania is often seen as a mania lite. The symptoms don’t last for a long time. However, they can affect your job, family life, relationships and school. People that suffer from hypomania may be impulsive and have risky behavior. They may also unnecessarily spend a lot of money. Normally, hypomania will last more than a week. This includes the psychotic feelings. Sometime a hospital visit is required.

Symptoms Of Hypomania

  1. Talking fast
  2. Easy to become irritated
  3. Difficult time sleeping
  4. Lots of energy
  5. Euphoria
  6. Racing thoughts
  7. Inflated self esteem
  8. Poor judgment
  9. Risky behavior
  10. Sexual promiscuity

Helpful Suggestions For Those That Suffer From Hypomania

  • Have a nice sleep. If you are not able to sleep, call your doctor and consult to him/her.
  • Do not jump to any important decision. Wait until you are feeling better.
  • Keeps your thought process in a focused direction. Give your thoughts directions.
  • Don’t spend your money. Keep them in some safe and reliable hands. They will further help you in future.
  • Engage yourself in relaxing and calming activities. Stay away from over stimulating environments.
  • Avoid disco, dance and going to bar. The environment which these things have trigger the feel of hypomania.
  • Consult to any support person and let your feelings and understanding known to them.
  • You should go and talk to your doctor before things slip out of your hands. He/She will help you help yourself.
  • Do not consume excess sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Eat balanced diet.

Treatments: The same medications as for mania. These include mood stabilizers such as lithium, Tegretol, Depakote, Topamax, Lamictil,and Neurontin. Some people respond to high doses of omega 3 fish oils.

  • Atypical antipsychotics, eg olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone. These are used as their onset is quicker and they have lower incidence of extra-pyramidal side-effects.
  • Benzodiazepines, such as lorazepam, may be needed to aid sleep or reduce agitation.
  • Mood stabilisers can also be used (usually under specialist guidance). They include lithium, which has a slower onset of action, so tends only to be used alone if less severe symptoms are present and valproate (but not in females of child-bearing age).
  • Carbamazepine is sometimes used as a first-line treatment and again only under specialist supervision.