
How To Handle Sugar Craving

How To Handle Sugar Cravings? Make sure that you are ‘powered up’ throughout the day: It is vitally important that you do not get to the stage where you are so famished that you will eat whatever crosses your path! The golden rule that you should always remember in this regard is: Less food, more often! Do not skip a meal and include snacks that are small with the nutrition needed without the excess sugar. Doing will help maintain a steady flow of energy and prevent your body from going to ‘panic stations’ in order to get more glucose into the bloodstream.

Carefully monitor portion sizes: Study after study have shown that most of us will always attempt to clear out plates, no matter how ridiculously big that plate may be! Basically, we tend to eat most of what is on our plate. Therefore, the more food on the plate, the more you will consume! Eating big portions regularly is an almost ‘fool proof’ recipe for sugar rushes (and lethargy to boot). A large quantity of glucose (sugar) is released into the blood stream after the body breaks down all the food consumed that is not needed. This spike will typically last for only a short time, leaving you deflated and, amazingly enough, hungry! Cutting your serving sizes is highly helpful. Just by ordering smaller meals when out, using smaller plates, and getting your own food can help you succeed.

Eliminate sugary drinks: Most medical experts regard our culture’s near addiction to sugary soft drinks with alarm. Drinking a soda or other similar drink with 10 teaspoons of sugar is never looked at as a bowl of sugar in the same quantity! Flooding your system with huge amounts of sugar is almost guaranteed to result in a massive energy spike. Avoidance of soft drinks high in sugar might be the best thing for you. Even artificially sweetened drinks should be approached with care, as people react in different ways to the chemical used to artificially sweeten beverages.