
How To Make Money With Shakelee Network Marketing Company

Shaklee Network Marketing Company

Shaklee is a Multi Level Marketing company. They provide weight loss products, nutritional supplements, household products and skin care products. They are one of the leading MLM companies in the Network Marketing Industry. They became a Multi Level Marketing Company in 1960. Their products are natural and organic.

Shaklee products are made with the best technology and science. Their products are pure and potent. Their products are designed to help you lose weight and stay healthy. Their products are absolutely safe.

Shaklee is giving people the opportunity to make money and stay healthy. You can start an awesome home based business with this company. The company has top of the line nutritional supplements to boost your energy and sport nutritional products for performance. Also, they have nutritional products for children. They carry non-toxic green household cleaning products for the kitchen and laundry. Their anti aging products are incredible. Women love their beauty and skin care products. Also, they have one of the best weight loss programs called Shaklee 180.

Four Levels In Shaklee

1.  Level One Customer: At this level you only use product.

  1. Level Two Member: You are a consumer and use the product. Also, you get discounts on the product. You save 15 to 25 percent on the product.
  2. Level Three Distributor: Not only do you use the product. You also sell the product to make money. Receive 15-25% discount off SRP. Free product with next order of 100 PV Potential to earn bonuses, Shaklee Independent Distributor Kit. If you want to take advantage of earning a little extra money or just helping to pay for what you purchase from Shaklee you must sign up to be a distributor. You CAN NOT earn money with as just a member or consumer.
  3. Level Four Gold Ambassador: The Gold Ambassador level is intended for anyone who wants to create a home office and not only use the Shaklee products for their own health ane wellness, but wants to share and educate others about the benefits of using safe, healthy products. There are many advantages to having a home office. This level gives you the chance to have that home office for less then $25 a month for your first year.

Benefits Of Being A Gold Ambassador

  1. Receive 15-25% discount off SRP.
  2. free product with next order of 100 PV Free distributor welcome kit
  3. Global Ambassador Status (another benefit that allows you the opportunity to earn more money)
  4. Shaklee plans to be in 51 new countries within the next few years, thus you have the possibility of making money from businesses world wide that are part of your organization.
  5. Free Shaklee Independent Distributor Personal Web Site (PWS) for 3 to 6 months
    Includes a variety of the most popular products sent to you to try.

Joining Shaklee is an excellent way to stray healthy and make money. The start up cost is low. Also, you get excellent training and access to great leadership.

Best Regards,

Frankie Muhammad