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How To Start A MLM Business

Frankie Muhammad Home Based Business Owner Professional Network Marketer

Frankie Muhammad


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How To Start A Network Marketing Business

If you want to start a Network Marketing business. First you got to find out what type of products or services you want to marketing. You need to know your passion. Also, there need to be a need for what you want to sell and market. Select a product line for your network marketing company. Start a nutritional network marketing company, for example, which is the most popular type of network marketing business.

Next, you need to find a wholesale supplier. you can s earch for a wholesale supplier through the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors at  Also, you can  sign up for some free trade publications through

Call several potential wholesale and manufacturer suppliers. Ask them if they offer drop-shipping services, which will keep your inventory levels down. Find out if the supplier offers catalogs, brochures and order forms for their products. Choose the supplier that provides you with the lowest unit cost per product.

Also, you have to establish a retail price of your products or services according to your supplier’s recommendations. Next, you will need to establish a commission structure for your distributors or independent business owners on several different levels. Set commissions at 30 percent, for example, for first-level sales where distributors earn money off those people they recruit. Set commissions on levels two and three at 15 percent each, for example, allowing distributors to earn commissions off people they recruit.

Furthermore, you will need to Install network marketing commission-payment software. Use your commission-payment software to calculate the commissions of all future distributors. Create an instructional manual or standard operating procedures for all distributors, highlighting various ways to advertise their network marketing businesses and commission structure. Create a distributor’s kit for all potential dealers, which includes the instruction manual, a catalog, order form and price list.

Now you have to marketing your network marketing company. Market  your network marketing company in major business opportunity magazines, including “Business Opportunities,” “Home Business” and “Small Business Opportunities.” Start with classified ads as they are the most cost effective of all ads. Also, you can use social media and Youtube Videos.

Also, you can mail  a sales letter brochure and order form out to people who respond to your classified ads. Call people back when they inquire about your network marketing opportunity. Recruit distributors into your business on an ongoing basis.

Create a website and include your website in your classified advertisements. This will give people another way to join your network marketing opportunity. Get a merchant account through your bank so you can accept credit cards online. Find a web designer if you are unable to create your own website. Have the web designer create self-replicating sites for your distributors so they can recruit their own distributors. Self-replicating sites will have the same URL or address as your site, but with unique extensions or identification numbers. The success of any networking marketing company is contingent upon building a deep organizational structure.

What You Will Need For Your MLM Company

  • Brochures
  • Price lists
  • Order forms
  • Shipping envelopes or boxes
  • Shipping label
  • Wholesale supplier
  • Commission payment software
  • Instruction manual
  • Catalogs
  • Sales letters

Quick MLM Business Starting Guide

1. Come up with a product or service that you can make sound revolutionary. miracle tea, groundbreaking weight loss tea.

2. Create a commission structure (also called pay plan, incentives, or rebates) that is difficult to understand, and that pays about 6 to 10 people in an upline as soon as an associate buys something from the company. Ultimately, those in higher levels in the company most of the rewards, and this is ideal, because it gets everyone on the bottom excited about the “possibilities” and strive to recruit more.

3. Commissions must be paid as soon as the associate makes a purchase from the company. You don’t care if the associate ever resells your product or not. Whether they sell it is their problem… you already have your money.

4. Create credibility for your MLM Company. This means getting endorsements from people who sound important. Get a business publication to write about your company and promote that article everywhere you go. Join the Direct Selling Organization.

5. Give your product or service a high price. This is important for two reasons. First, it is necessary in order to be able to pay the 8 to 10 levels of commissions that you have established. Second, it allows distributors to pretend that your product is “high quality.”

6. Set up strict requirements for “advancing” in your MLM Company. The requirements must include a certain number of new recruits plus a minimum amount of product purchases by the distributors in a downline. This ensures that you will have “production” rolling in, even if people aren’t selling your products or services. Associates or distributors will most likely have to bring in friends and family who buy products simply so the recruiter can move up. This happens over and over and the production numbers are looking good for the company.

7. Create ” advertising tools and training” to help distributors become successful. Almost everyone fails in MLMs, but the longer you can keep them believing that they could succeed, the more money you can get out of them. One way to keep them interested and engaged is through tools and training materials.

8. Hold periodic events that get people excited and recommitted to the MLM. Since almost everyone fails, this could begin to be somewhat of a downer. These events are needed to parade around those few success stories and to pump everyone up about the company. �