
How To Treat Brittle Nails

How To Treat Brittle Nails

Treat Damage Nails
Some women have a lot of problems with their nails. A nail is made of skin cells. These skin cells are hardened by protein. This protein is called keratin. A finger nail has different parts. You have the nail plate which is the visible covering. Then there is the nail bed which is the skin underneath the nail plate. The cuticle is the fold of the skin at the base of the nail plate. The lunula is the white, half-moon-shaped portion of the nail matrix.
You can tell when the nail is not healthy. The nail will break easily. The nail will bend, peel, split break or tear. When you have a healthy body, the nail will be healthy. If you have a skin problems such as a fungal infections or psoriasis, the nails will be weak. The will become brittle and flaky. If you want healthy nails you need to put good nutritional foods in the body, and you need a good digestive system. Most of the time people that have a bad diet will have unhealthy nails.

Some Things That Lead To Unhealthy And Brittle Nail
1. Topical Use Of Mail Polish Remover
2. Poor Diet
3. Harmone Problems
4. Thyroid Problems
5. Poor Digestion
6. Enzyme Problems
7. Vitamin deficiency
8. Lack Of Protein And Calcium
Foods You Should Avoid If You Want Healthy Nails
1. Sugar
2. Caffeine
3. Soda
4. Alcohol
Foods You Should Eat For Healthy Nails
1. Fish
2. Beans
3. Nuts
4. Lean Meats
5. Whole Grains
6. Fruits And Vegteables
7. Vitamin B
8. Calcium Foods
Nutritional Supplement For Healthy Nails: Calcium, Collagen, Digestive Enzymes, Essential Fatty Acids, MSM, Biotin, Silicon
Additional Ways To Keep Nails Healthy
1. Hot Oil Treatment: Massaging the nails with natural oils such as coconut oil is good enough, but it works even better when the nails are pampered using a deep nourishing hot oil treatment. You can use natural oils like almond oil, olive oil or jojoba oil for this treatment.
2. Petroleum jelly: This is good for dry and flaky skin throughout winter, and it is also the best natural cure for chapped lips as well. It is a multipurpose product that is used for treating a number of skin problems. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of brittle nails.
3. Horsetail: This is a l herb that looks like the tail of a horse. This herb is a rich source of some of the essential minerals for the body such as calcium, iron, manganese along with tannins, flavonoids and fatty acids – all of which are necessary for growing strong and healthy nails. It also helps in removing white spots and infections from nails.
4. Lemon Juice Swipe: Raw lemon juice is the ultimate treatment for all types of skin and hair problems and natural cure for dark circles around eyes. It is also one of the functional home remedies for brittle nails that help in strengthening and brightening the nails and getting rid of the ugly yellow stain caused by overuse of nail polish. It also treats dryness, chipping and peeling of the nails caused by nail polish removers.
5. Tea Tree Oil Drops: The power antiseptic properties of tea tree oil makes it a popular natural medicine for a wide range of skin problems and the use of tea tree oil for ringworm in humans is well known. Tea tree oil also helps in treating brittle nails caused by fungal infections and it is one of the unsurpassed nail fungus home remedies that provide prompt results. It also helps in treating discolored nails.
6. Vitamin E Oil: Vitamin E is an essential component of skin and hair that provides youthful appearance and supplements to skin and makes hair thicker and stronger. One of the major causes of brittle nails is the lack of moisture in the nails, and vitamin E oil works as an amazing brittle nails cure by keeping the nails hydrated and moisturized. It also helps in supplying nourishment to the nail cuticles.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar: This is a useful and inexpensive brittle nails treatment that is readily available in the pantry. Apple cider vinegar is a widely used ingredient for skin and hair care remedies, and it is undoubtedly the best natural way to treat dandruff and scalp itching. Organic apple cider vinegar is loaded with minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium along with vitamins.
8. Pure Coconut Oil: is the one-stop solution for all hair and skin problems. A concoction of coconut oil and curry leaves is the ultimate grey hair solution, and it is also the best natural moisturizer for treating excessively dry skin. The oil helps in keeping the nails hydrated whereas the massage helps in improving blood circulation.
9. Both lemon juice and olive oil: are extremely important natural beauty ingredients that are widely used for various skin and health problems and lemon juice is an effective natural bleach that is frequently used to remove suntan. The mixture of lemon juice and olive oil also an effective remedy for dry brittle nails also. Olive oil has the capacity to penetrate the nail cuticles in order to repair and strengthen the nails. Lemon juice helps in fortifying damaged and peeling nails while removing ugly yellowish stains from the nail surface and giving it a bright sheen.

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