
How To Use Total Life Changes Infinity Emu Oil For Skin Problems

Total Life Change Changes Emu Oil

TotaL Life Changes Infinity Emu Oil

Total Life Changes Emu Oil is absolutely amazing. My customers use the Emu Oil to treat joint and muscle pain. They use it to treat skin problems such as minor burn, acne, eczemea, blackheads, dermatitis, psorisis and stretch marks from weight loss and pregnancy.

The Emu Oil from Total Life Changes is 100% natural. It’s a great way to treat your skin while avoiding any trace of chemicals or harmful additives. Unlike other oils, Emu oil is totally void of phospholipids, just like human skin is also lacking phospholipids.

The Benefits Of Total Life Changes Emu Oil

1) Sunburn: Because of its moisturizing properties Emu Oil will help to prevent peeling skin whilst the anti bacterial and soothing properties will help to ease the pain.
2) Arthritis: Although not a cure Emu Oil has been shown to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.
3) Muscle Aches: Whether it is from over exerting yourself in a sport or just after a hard day at work Emu Oil can help reduce inflammation and loosen tight muscles.
4) Joint Pain : Because Emu Oil penetrates deep into tissue it can get to joint and help repair and maintain them whilst reducing inflammation and easing pain.
5) Eczema : It has natural moisturizing properties an can help control eczema by softening the affected area, reducing pain and itchiness and swelling.
6) Acne: Although it is an oil Emu Oil does not block pores, it reduces redness associated with acne and can help clear up recent scarring.
7) Stretch Marks: Using Emu Oil on stretch marks can help the skin to regenerate and gives it back some elasticity.
8) Scarring: If you have scars Emu Oil can be used to fade them but penetrating deep into the skin to help repair and regenerate new cells.
9) Cracked heels: The moisturizing and anti-bacterial elements in Emu Oil make it perfect for treating and preventing unsightly cracked heels.
10) Minor Burns: Emu Oil can cool the pain of a burn whilst protecting it and warding off infection. It helps the skin to repair itself quickly meaning faster healing.
11) Wrinkles : It is such a great moisturizing agent that it can help to plump up all layers of skin, this plumping in thin areas such as around the eyes can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
12) Moisturizing: It can be used as a moisturizer for all over the body including the face, although it will make you look oily, it is good to use straight out of the bath and will make you feel soft and supple even if you do use it sparingly as it penetrates the skin so easily.
13) Soothing chapped skin : Because of the moisturizing elements Emu Oil can be used on particularly dry patches to instantly sooth and heal.
14) Insect bites: The Oil can help to reduce the itchiness of insect bites by helping the skin to repair itself. Not only do you heal faster you will also find it easier to resist the urge to scratch.
15) Nails: Putting it on your nails can help to soften cuticles in preparation for a manicure and also prompt nails to grow quicker and stronger.
16) Hair loss: Because Emu Oil can regenerate skin and hair cells it can help to thicken thinning hair and stop it from falling out as frequently.
18) Hair breakage : Using the Oil, sparingly, on the end of your hair can help to reduce split ends. Depending on how greasy your hair in naturally you might be able to get away with leaving it in. If not then leave it for about fifteen minutes then rinse thoroughly.
19) To tighten loose skin: Although the effect won’t be drastic, the oil from emus can help to firm and plump skin so it is perfect for that little extra tightening of skin as you get older in areas such as the neck and stomach.