
Iaso Detox Tea Memphis

Frankie Muhammad Independent Business Owner

Frankie Muhammad (Memphis)
Independent Business Owner Number 6138951



Get Iaso Detox Tea Atlanta

Hello, My name is Frankie. I am an Iaso Tea Distributor for Total Life Changes. I have expanded my home based Iaso Tea Biz to Memphis. I am helping a lot of people in Memphis detox, burn fat and lose weight with the Iaso Herbal Detox Tea.  Most people that use the detox tea in Atlanta are losing 5 pounds the first week.

The Iaso Detox Tea is an amazing product. It’s very effective. It has a positive track record for helping people lose weight and get healthy. This product is made by a company called Total Life Changes. It is one of the top companies in the Health and Wellness Industry. They have been around since 1999. They also sell other weight loss products, nutritional products, skin care products and healthy coffees. Nevertheless, the Iaso Tea is their Flag Ship Products. This is a healthy tea that’s in high demand.

What Is Iaso Tea:
Iaso Tea is a detox tea that helps you lose weight and clean the body. It is a tea that has 9 powerful herbs that eliminates parasite, pesticides and toxins from the body. It cleans the organs and the respiratory system. Also, it cleans the blood. All you need to is drink two 8 ounces cups a day for lunch and dinner. This will help the digestive system rebalance itself and detox the body. The best thing about this tea is that it’s all natural. It is not a laxative nor does it have caffeine. Therefore, you can drink it every day. When you detox the body, it allows the body to get more nutrients. This boost the immune system and leads to weight loss.

Ingredients In Iaso Tea 9 Powerful Herbs:
1. Papaya leaves. These leaves have been part of ancient Polynesian medicine for thousands of years to improve the skin. It is also a diuretic.
2. Myrrh, which can kill various bacteria by working as an antiseptic. It is often used in dental offices as a rinse to get rid of oral bacteria.
3. Chamomile, which has been used to fight stomach cramps in many ancient cultures. Scientists have also discovered that it works to fight anxiety.
4. Holy thistle or Blessed thristle, which was used in Europe during the Middle Ages to try and fight the plague. Today, scientists know that it cleanses the system by working as a diuretic.
5. Marsh mallow, or Althaea officinalis, which is an anti-inflammatory that helps to improve overall health and lowers the risk of diseases.
6. Myrrh, which can kill various bacteria by working as an antiseptic. It is often used in dental offices as a rinse to get rid of oral bacteria.
7. Ginger, which reduces stomach cramps and aids digestion. It also gives the tea a nice spicy edge.
8. Malva leaves, or Malva verticillata, which work in the same was as the marsh mallow.
9. Persimmon leaves, which are a natural cleanser that have been used in Chinese medicine for millennia. They are known to contain flavonoids, vitamin C, choline carotenoids, amino acids, rutin and tannins.

Side Effects From Iaso Tea: Although the tea is all natural. Some people do experience some side effects. However, the side effects are normal and not harmful
1. Foul Smelling
2. Increases Urination
3. Bloating
4. Headaches,
5. Gas
6. Loose Stool

How To Make Iaso Tea

1. Bring 4 Cups of water to a boil. Turn the stove off. (Never Use Microwave)
2. Put the two tea bags in the pot. Let the bags sit in the pot 4 to 8 hours
3. Put a gallon of water in a pitcher. Then pour the tea and the bags from the pot into the pitcher.
4. Let the tea get cold. Thin Sip To Good Health
Health Benefits Of Iaso Tea
1. Awesome Taste
2. All Organic
3. Cleanse Digestive System
4. Remove Excess Fat From The Body
5. Anti-Oxidant
6. Helps With Digestion
7. Good For Cardiovascular Health
8. Purify The Blood And Helps With Circulation
9. Anti-inflammatory

Postive Points About The Tea
1. Reasonable Price
2. Tea Is Sold All Over The World (140 Countries)
3. The Ingredients Are Natural
4. Lose 5 Pounds In 5 Days
5. Awesome Reviews And Testimonies
6. Awesome Taste
7. Can Use Tea Bags On Salad

Would I Recommend The Tea: I would absolutely recommend this product. I use it and I think it’s awesome. This product has helped me lose weight and get healthy along with eating right and exercising. Since I have been taking this product, I feel healthier, my skin look better and I don’t suffer from constipation. If you can afford the tea, it should be a part of your diet. Total Life Changes offer a 100% 30 day money back guarantee on the product if you are not happy. If you are not satisfied with the tea just contact Total Life Changes for a refund. However, I know you will be completely satisfied with the tea.

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