
Iaso Resolution Drops Food List

Frankie Muhammad Independent Business Owner With World Ventures

Frankie Muhammad


Total Life Changes New Resolution Drops

1200 Calorie Diet

  • Eat 200 Calories For Breakfast
  • Eat 400 Calories for Lunch And Dinner
  • Eat Two 100 Calorie Snacks

What Your Should Eat When Taking Resolution Drops

  1. High Protein With Low or No Carbs
  2. Eat Lean Meat Such As Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Beef
  3. Eat Fruits Like Apples, Oranges, Grapefruits, Strawberries, Oranges And Blueberries
  4. Dairy Such As Low Fat Yogurt, Milk, Cottage Cheese
  5. Carbs: Melba Toast, Bread Sticks, Saltine Crackers

Foods You Must Avoid While Taking The Iaso Resolution Drops

1. Foods with sugar added. No exceptions. (You may try natural sweeteners like 100% Stevia, and 100% honey)

WARNING: natural juices and many foods purchased in supermarkets have sugar added! Look at ingredients.

2. Foods made with  White Flour, NO exceptions. Bread, tortillas, even pastas, etc…and yes, even wheat bread

3. All fried foods. Cooked canola and/or lard

4. NO CHOCOLATE!!! Period

Resolution Drops Popular Questions And Answers

Question: Do I have to prepare my meals weekly while on Resolution Drops? No. People with busy schedules can make wise choices for lunch and dinner outside the home. For example, choose baked, rotisserie or grilled meat with vegetable sides and you will be okay with appropriate portion sizes.

Question: Can a person breastfeeding or pregnant take Resolution Drops? No. Breastfeeding and pregnant women should not be on the Resolution Drops because of nutritional value needed by the baby.

Question: Can a person take Resolution Drops during Menopause or Menstrual Cycle?  Yes. Our product is ALL-Natural, Hormone Free, so there is no interference with the normal cycles and stages of womanhood.

Question: Can a person with a kidney transplant take Resolution Drops?  Yes.

Question: How many months or weeks will the Resolution bottle last?  1 bottle is enough for 20 days if you take 1.0 milliliters 3 times per day.  1 bottle is enough for 26 full days if you take .75 milliliters 3 times per day.

Question: Can you have workout regimen or exercise routine while on Resolution Drops?  Yes, it actually works better when you workout and exercise regularly. Actually, if you exercise and burn more calories, you can increase daily calorie intake from 1200 calories to 1500 calories per day. For Example, if you walk for an hour and burn 200 calories…you will be able to eat an additional 50 calories for the day and stay within the program guidelines.

Question:  Can you take Cafe Delgada coffee and/or NRG while using Resolution?  Yes, although both the Cafe Delgada and NRG have an appetite suppressant in them – there is no interference. The Iaso Tea and NutraBurst are highly recommended with Resolution Drops.

Question:  Are there any side effects for those using prescribed medications while taking Resolution Drops?  No side effects have been reported.

Question:  Can you use sugar substitutes?  Stevia can be used and 100% Pure Dark Unfiltered Honey.  Resolution Drops will not see these as an added sugar.

Question: Is there an age restriction for the Resolution Drops? Marketing Resolution Drops to anyone under age 18 violates FDA rules. (However, children as young as 8 years old have taken Resolution with no issues).

Question: How much water is recommended daily while taking Resolution Drops? 3 Liters of water are recommended as a minimum but the more water you drink is better for optimal performance of your body. *Tip – drinking Alkaline Water and/or detox water with fruits, vegetables and herbs like watermelon, strawberries, cucumber, grapefruit, tangerine, ginger, mint and basil will help you enjoy the taste of water better. Alkaline Water with a pH Level of 9.5 is recommended. **If you do not drink enough water, you may experience headaches.